Chapter 283 - Mings Girlfriend (2/2)
”You were beautiful, Mom.” Ming complimented his mother in Italian which Lena did not understand.
”Aren't you a little to chill considering the problems with the new right now?” Mike spoke. ”This is also affecting the Zhao's image.”
”Should I be scared right now? Panicking?” Lena smiled. ”It seems like you're still new to the business game. But that's understandable, you have only entered this field a few months ago. Oh wait, but then so did I.” Lena laughed. ”I guess people learn at a different pace.”
”What are you trying to say?” Mike got agitated while Ming tried not to laugh too.
”SHYNE did not copy anyone's design. The fashion was live broadcasted, and anyone with good eyes would know that the designs today was on a different level than the one released last week. A good mistake from a competitive company doesn't always come so easily. If you want to take out the competition, then you also need to be patient.”
Zhao Lin chuckled. ”Miss. Shen is definitely intelligent. If you don't work out with the young boy Li, I'll give you my son for free.”
Ming choked on his water and looked at Lena. He slightly shook his head.
”Thank you, CEO Zhao. I'll remember that.” She replied.
Everyone continued to eat casually and have a small chat.
”I heard that the third Madam Shen is pregnant?” Zhao Lin suddenly asked Lena.
Lena was caught off guard. Aunt Ma was indeed pregnant, but the rest of her family do not even know about it yet, how did an outsider like Zhao Lin know?
”Yes.” Lena replied with a smile.
”That's very good. Do you know the gender yet?”
”No. I have not talked to them for a while. With the fashion release, I had been busy.”
”I see.” Zhao Lin took a sip of his drink.
”Lin, didn't you say you want to show Mike more of the outskirts company tonight?” Madam Zhao interrupted them.
”Did I?” Zhao Lin looked at his wife and then he remembered. ”Ah, yes. What time is it?” He looked at the clock and it was not very late yet.
Ming also looked at his father. He did not hear anything about his father showing Mike around the other companies.
”Father, there is still time.” Mike excitedly replied.
”Ah... but Miss. Shen is here today.” Zhao Lin pointed out.
”That's fine, Ming can accompany her and send her home, right son?”
Ming looked at his mom and then at Lena. ”If it's fine with her.”
”That's fine.” Lena replied. Why does she feel like the Zhao's are still trying to hook her up with Ming...?
And that was settled. After dinner, Zhao Lin, Madam Zhao and Mike left together.
Ming looked at Lena but she continued to eat. Since it was just him and her now, hell, she was not going to leave until she had her fill. She was just practicing nice table manners before, but now, with no one else, she can freely eat.
”Why do I feel like you are emptying my wallet?” Ming asked as he looked at Lena who continued to stuff herself.
”I got invited here so obviously you are paying.” Lena replied.
Ming sighed. He glanced at his phone that kept buzzing from text messages.
”Who is it?” Lena asked. ”A girlfriend?”
”...” Ming looked at Lena and laughed. ”I guess you can say that.”
”Are you ignoring her? It's bad to ignore the woman.”
”It's bad to ignore men too.”
”...” Lena looked at him and then continued to eat.
Ming looked at his phone at the flood of messages he was getting.
Ada: Updates!!! Updates!!!
Ada: Can you tell her to stop ignoring me?
Ada: Tell her not to eat too much?
Ada: No drinking
Ada: Reply!
Ada: :'C
Ada: Can you take a picture of her for me? :o
Ming looked at the texts and shook his head. He turned his phone on silent and looked at Lena. ”Wanna drink? My girlfriend might kill me tomorrow.”
”Hell yeah! I am a wonderful drinking partner. Now tell me, is she hot?”