Chapter 264 - Tasted it like one million times (2/2)
”I never paid much attention,” Kris admitted.
Lena went back to washing the rest of the dishes. Kris went next to her, and put an elbow on the counter.
”I was thinking... about getting a new place.”
”You're moving?”
”I was thinking about something better for us.”
Lena washed the last dish and put it in the drying rack. ”Are you asking me to move in with you, dear?”
”Not officially. I don't think your family would like you living with me until I put a ring on you.” Kris grabbed Lena's hand with her small ring and kissed it.
”Oh dear... I know my grandpa would be hitting you with his cane... but grandma will not wait to lock you in a room with me.” Lena teased in, putting her arm around his neck.
”I did yell at your old man saying that we'll set our own wedding date.”
”You did...” Lena pulled the man closer to her and kissed him on the lips.
”I don't like camping you up here. If something were to happen to go wrong, there aren't many ways for you to escape.” Kris kissed Lena on the forehead. ”Why don't you go take a shower first?”
”You're not going to have dessert?” Lena asked.
”Trust me... I would love dessert. But, we have to make sure you're all good first.” Kris slapped Lena butt for her to go.
Lena head to shower first, and when she came back out, Kris was in his office talking on the phone. She did not want to interrupt him, so she went to lay down on the bed to do some light reading.
After a long time, Kris opened the bedroom door to see Lena still awake. He took a glance at her before quickly hoping to take a shower and coming back out.
”Is everything okay?” Lena asked.
”It was from Gary.”
Lena put her book down and looked up at him. ”I swear... if you were not Lena-sexual, I would think my boyfriend is hitting up one of my best friends. Gary has been talking to you more than me. I think Gary is more dangerous than Becca.”
”Is that so?” Kris smiled and crawled to bed with Lena. He was no wearing a shirt. He gave Lena a kiss before turning off the lights.
”It's his dad.” Kris explained. He pulled Lena closer to him and pull the blanket over them.
”His dad is the reason why he's hanging out more with you?”
”I promised him... that I won't tell you about his dad.” Kris clarified. ”But I can tell you... that his dad is going to be no threat to you, or him.”
”He has no one...” Lena solemnly spoke. ”He has been running away from his family his whole life. He'll tell me about his dad when he wants to. You just be a good bro for him, 'kay?”
”Yeah...” Kris kissed Lena on the forehead one last time before they both fell asleep.
Gary is dead. His identity died a while back when they were hiding him from Madam Yang. Gary had been planning his awakening, new identity and career. However, there have been a few new problems that have been blocking him.
His father had been putting trouble and blockage on Gary. He wants Gary to come to him instead. Kris had finally tracked down the old man, and Gary was discussing his plans with Kris.