Chapter 263 - Men who lie (2/2)
”Cute? I'll show you cute!” Lena tried to step on his shoe, but she was wearing nothing so her barefoot did nothing to him. Instead, she bent her head and bit his hand.
Lena was going to give him another smack, but the door opened.
”Lena dear!!!” Michael walked in. ”Oh... Tyler is here too?”
”Michael!” Lena was infuriated. ”He is not welcome here. Is this how you treat your customers, allowing them no privacy?!”
”I...” Micahel was confused about the situation.
”Sorry Michael. It was my fault, I accidentally walked into Miss. Shen's room.”
”Lena dear... It's just a misunderstanding. I am sure Mr. Huang did not mean to come in. All of the room look the same... I'll make sure to better decorate them differently.”
Tyler smiled at Lena. He knew that Lena would not cause trouble over such a small thing. Lena glared at him and then relaxed.
”Fine... I am sure Mr. Huang will not do it again. Or surely you know that the business world is a sticky place, you might just go bankrupt the next day.”
Michael gulped. Not only is Lena from the Shen family, who had raised in tremendous wealth this year, but she is also best friend with Hazel and currently with Kris Li. Michael would not want to be on her bad side at all!
”Aiya... I wouldn't dare.” Michael chuckled and kicked Tyler out of the room. Tyler made sure to give Lena a wink before the door closed on him.
”Don't be mad... how about I give you a good discount for all the future services you get here, hmmm?”
”It's fine.... if you give me such a discount, I might really take you up on that and work you to death.”
”Ahaha... you are truly a woman as mighty as CEO Li.”
”I have so many customers, especially the female ones. They were all laughing at you, taking bets on how long you would last with the young master Li... but a good person can see that the man is all over you, not the other way around.”
”He is...” Lena confirmed.
”And besides, after the photos with the both of you at the movie premiere, I am sure none of them are laughing now.” Michael gossiped some more. ”I am glad the young man finally got someone he likes.... the years that he had come to my shop... whooffff.... you wouldn't even get a smile or thank you from him.”
”Now that you're with him, maybe try making the man wear some more bright colors so he does not look so angry all the time.”
”Should I make him wear lots of pink like me?”
”Maybe that should be your wedding color. CEO Li is getting his suit tailored at a friend of mine... we made sure to make your outfit the best together. Now, let me get a good look at you.”
Michael made sure the dress git Lena perfectly. After they were done, Lena went out to pay for the dress. She was hoping to not see Tyler again, and luckily she didn't.
When the assistant told Lena the total, she was a bit stunned. It must because she does not have custom dresses made for her often. She opened her purse and spotted the credit card she stole from Kris, but she went and grabbed for hers instead.
Lena was just joking around with Kris when she said he was paying for her stuff. There are some things she can wave her boyfriend power around, but others, she'll keep doing it with her own will.
Lena paid for the dress. It will be sent to the place she will be getting her hair and makeup done on Saturday.
Lena remembered that Kris could do for a new wallet. She went shopping around some more to buy a few other items before having James send her home.