Chapter 260 - Dinner and small talks. (2/2)
Kris sat down next to his. They were sitting across from Lena and her mother. Shen Mao sat at the head of the table.
”I am so glad that you both can make it today. Is... Chairman Li and his wife busy today?” Shen Mao spoke.
”They are.” Lena was the first one to reply. ”I personally went back and invited them, but something important came up and they could not make it today. I forgot to tell you about it.”
”Ah.. I see. Well, maybe next time. Regardless, let's eat.” Shen Mao clapped his hands and the workers began setting the table with food.
As the food was set on the table, Madam Li was quite amazed at all the food.
”My mother personally made all the food here today.” Lena explained.
”You didn't cook? I was hoping to eat something of yours today.” Kris smiled.
”No. My mother said that I would be cooking a lot for you so today, she wanted you to eat something of hers.”
”You...” Shen Milli was shy from all the praises.
”Aiya... Let's eat. Everyone must be hungry.” Shen Mao dived in first and then everyone began to eat too.
As they ate, they had small chats. Madam Li and Kris commented on how amazing Shen Milli's cooking was. Shen Milli was telling bad stories on Lena's horrible habits of cooking.
Kris laughed from the stories. ”If it was not for Lena, I would not have learned how to cook myself.” He looked at Lena and smiled.
”You're so good to Lena... I wish my husband would learn to cook a few things here and there for me.” Shen Milli pointed out.
Shen Mao cleared his throat. His wife does not need to expose his horrible skills too! He looked at Kris instead.
”So Kris... would you be a politician too like your father?”
”My father would have been a great politician if he did not pass so soon. Sadly, I did not have his skill and aspiration for politics like him, I'll be sticking to just business.”
”You took over the entire Li family business, your father would be very proud of you.”
Kris smiled. ”After all, I don't want to work too much. I want to be there for my family...” His eyes softened as he looked at Lena. ”I didn't have a lot of time with my father, I don't wish to miss those changes with mine.”
”Ahaha... very good. I took a long break from work when my sweet Lena was born.” Shen Mao chuckled and nodded approvingly of how Kris think.
”Kris, have you been here before?” Shen Milli suddenly asked.
Lena coughed and then used a napkin to pat her mouth. What was her mother intending to ask?!
”Yes, I have.” Kris asked and Shen Milli eyes lit up. She did not expect the man to be so... honest. So it was him the other time she suspected, right?
”Hmm.... If I have to say, it would be around the time I terminated work with the Shen Wine Industry.” Kris clarified. ”I visited Lena then.”
”You are right... such a thing did happen. Ahahaha..” Shen Mao laughed. ”My daughter must have caused you much trouble then.”
”I can't deny that... Lena was... very hard to ignore then. Quite a catch I would say.”
”A catch?! I made the first move!” Lena spouted.
Kris laughed and dished a portion of food onto Lena's plate. ”Are you sure you want to go into details?”
Lena blushed and went back to eating her food. Shen Milli looked at her daughter and felt happy.
”You both get along well...” She said. ”I am happy to see Lena smiling more.”
”I think I have smiled more since I have met her.” Kris spoke.