Chapter 258 - Productive things (2/2)
Lena looked like a pretty woman, but she had her own hidden strength. After all, people say never judge a book by its cover.
Lena did not stay long in the Old Li Mansion. She came out after 20 minutes or so. Four went back to his car and followed Lena, wherever she was going next.
After 30 minutes of driving, Lena stopped at a paintball arena. James walked out and greeted Lena.
”Are you sure this is what you want to do?” James asked Lena, walking her inside.
”Yep. I need to shoot someone and I can't do that with a real gun.”
'So.. you're just going to shoot me instead?' James shuddered. His student has graduated... and her way of celebration was shooting the teacher... what did he even teach her to do?
Lena smiled and went to get ready for some paintball games.
After Kris was done speaking with his mother, he drove out to Area 2. When he arrived, Keso immediately greeted him.
”Where are they?”
”They are in the interrogation room. I'll take you there.” Keso replied, leading Kris to the room.
Kris opened the door and entered the room. Four men were sitting in the room.
”Boss?” Kris scoffed. ”Am I really your boss?”
”Boss! You're the only boss we have!” They all shouted.
”Then tell me why you all helped Becca break into my home?”
”We---” One of them stuttered but did not continue.
”I understand that the lady is quite charming, it is her specialty to get into a man's head hence why she was placed on her current mission. But two of you are married.... how did she make the both of you break protocols?” Kris' stern and aggressive voice demanded an answer.
”Boss!” One of the married men answered as he looked down on the floor, not daring to look straight into Kris' eyes. ”Miss. Becca had always been close to you so when she told us what she wanted, we didn't question her...”
”Close to me? When had she ever been close to me?!”
”Well... she... she was close with Brother Ace...”
”Ace? And where is he now?”
”....” All of the four men had no replies... they knew what happened to Ace.
”This is ridiculous. Seems like I have been gone too much that people think that I am too lenient lately...”
”Boss, we don't ---” Before the man can finish his sentence, a gunshot was fired.
The other three men looked at the dead body and panicked. ”Please, boss, we---”
Three more gunshots were heard. Kris threw the gun back to Keso and walked out of the room.
”Which team were they from?” Kris asked.
”Area 4.”
”Tsk... she can't break the men up here so she goes for the newest ones. A faulty on my part.” Kris stopped his footsteps. ”Have Lay go down to Area 4 and 5. I want a full inspection down there. And punish everyone's salary from Area 4.”
”And I also want you to inspect everything from Alpha and Beta Team. I don't want this to be repeated again.”
Keso nodded. ”And what about the bodies?”
”Have Lay take them with him. Everyone should know that just because I have a woman beside me now, it doesn't mean I am still not Kris Li.”
”And what about Becca?”
”I feel like she is already digging her own grave. I don't need to get my hand dirty for a woman like her.” Kris lifted the left corner of his lips.