Chapter 213 - Personal Business (2/2)
Lena placed her fingerprint on the scanner and it overrode the lock and the elevator went up. The elevator has a fingerprint and badge scanner option for secured floors.
Lena: o.o Thanks!
”Are you texting your boyfriend?” Sammy asked.
Lena looked at her and smiled. ”Yeah.”
”Is he handsome like the man in the magazine?”
”Of course. He is way much more handsome than that person by a ton though.” Lena chuckled.
Lena wanted to show Sammy a picture of Kris, but she realized Kris and her have not taken many great pictures together as a couple. They should do that soon.
The elevator stopped and opened. Both of them stepped out and Lena went up to the door and knocked. There was no response. Lena was about to knock again, but the door opened.
Tyler stood there with a wide grin. ”Yo! What day is it for me to have the wonderful and beautiful Lena Shen at my doors?”
”Mr. Magazine, Lena is taken but I am single.” Sammy smiled.
Lena glared at Tyler but she laughed inside at Sammy's comment. ”Hello, Mr. Huang. I am here for business actually. I am here for Milo Hu.”
Tyler stopped his grinned and tried to see what Lena was doing.
”Mr. Huang, we are looking for my dad. I saw him with you the other day.” Sammy changed Mr. magazine to Mr. Huang to follow Lena.
Tyler looked at the kid and she did look like Milo. He sighed. ”Come in. I'll call him.”
Lena and Sammy walked in and sat on the sofa while Tyler went somewhere else to make a call. When he came back, he brought some water with him.
”Your dad will be here in half an hour.” Tyler spoke.
Half an hour... Lena's mom was still waiting for her to return. Lena looked at Sammy. ”Hey Sammy, you wait here with Mr. Huang for your dad.”
”You're leaving?” Sammy asked.
”My mom is still waiting for me and she is tired from today already. Don't worry. Mr. Huang is good...” Lena turned and looked at Tyler. ”Friend. He will be with you until your dad comes okay?”
Sammy looked at Tyler who was handsome as a model. ”Ok.”
”When your dad comes, you call me ok? So I know that you are going home.” Lena handed Sammy her phone card. ”And if you ever need anything, call me too, okay?”
”Ok. Thanks, Older Sister Lena.”
Lena stood up to leave and Tyler followed her out.
”I don't get your number?” He asked.
”You can call my office if you need me.” Lena replied.
”Wow... and you're ditching a kid with me and I don't even get a thank you from you.”
Lena looked at Tyler. ”That's right. IF she gets to her dad safely, then I'll send you a thank you card.”
”I don't want a thank you card. Call me by my name instead, after all, we are friends.” Tyler smirked.
”See you later Mr. Huang. I was able to find you and enter your floor so freely, so I suggest you be a nice babysitter. Next time, I'll bring you your gravestone instead.” Lena turned around and walked back to the elevator.
Tyler watched Lena until the elevator doors closed. He walked back to see Sammy drinking water and eating some snacks. She was still holding Lena's phone card tightly in her hand.
”Hey kid.” Tyler called out.
”I am not a kid.”
”You want a tablet? I can add your dad's number and Lena's number in it.”
”For free?”
”Yeah.” Tyler smiled.
”Okay!” It was a freaken free tablet. Who would not want one?!
Tyler went to his office and got out a brand new tablet. He handed to Sammy and they both activated it on as they wait for her dad to show up. Sammy was too preoccupied with the newest advance tablet that she did not notice what Tyler planned all along.
He took the scented phonecard that Lena gave Sammy. He smelled it once before putting it in his own wallet. 'Taken?' He chuckled. 'If she was not his, then she will never be taken.'