Chapter 210 - Blessed with another child (2/2)
Aunt Mary asked if Lena was going to have dinner but she told her that she already did.
”Where are my parents?” Lena asked.
”Your father is in his study and your mother is in the library.”
”Ok. Thanks.”
Lena walked up to her bedroom. She went to take a shower and changed into some comfortable sleeping clothes. After drying her hair, she walked down the stairs to go to the library. In the large dark room, only a small lamp was lit by the sofa where her mother was sitting.
She was reading a book. Shen Milli looked up when she heard someone entered the room.
”Hi, mom.” Lena walked over and sat on the ground. She rested her head on her mother's lap.
Shen Milli put her book down. She moved Lena's hair behind her air. ”Something bothering you?”
”Kind of.” Lena replied.
”Hmm.. tell me what is bothering my sweet daughter.”
Lena lifted her head and looked at her mom. She placed her hand on Shen Milli's lap. ”Mom, tell me about my older sibling.”
Shen Milli's heart stopped beating for a bit but she took a deep breath. ”Since when have you known?”
”A few years now.”
”It's not that we did not want to tell you, it's just that I don't want to remember the sad things in life.” She patted Lena's head. ”But if you want to know, I can tell you.”
Lena rested her head again on her mother's lap. ”Sorry.” Lena did not want to bring back the sad memories of her mother's life.
”It's fine. We're not kids anymore.” Shen Milli replied. ”There is not much to tell actually. It was a girl. When your father and I first found out that I was pregnant, we were very happy. We found her gender after four months. She was a very healthy baby.”
Shen Milli started getting teary. ”It was just after her fifth month that I lost her.”
Lena got up and sat with her mother. She hugged her. ”How did she go?”
”They didn't know. She...” Shen Milli paused and took a deep breath. ”She was perfectly a healthy baby, and she went away... so quietly. The doctors said that I might not be able to have another baby.”
”But you still had me.”
”Yes, I did. You were a miracle.” Shen Milli hugged Lena back. ”Before you though, your grandmother took me to the shrine, the one near the old mansion. I was praying for the soul of your sister and for good health. That day, a met an old lady.”
Lena looked at her mom. Lena also saw an old lady at that shrine too. She continued to listen to what her mom had to say.
”The old lady said that my baby was a blessed child. That her soul was not meant to be in this world, but her fate was here. I don't know what she meant, but she said that my daughter was in a better place. And that if I keep my good prayers, I would be blessed with another child.”
Shen Milli did not understand what the old lady told her, but Lena did.