Chapter 209 - Be there for him. (2/2)
Lena smiled. His friend... and his girlfriend. ”Very well then, thank you.”
Madam Li got up to prepare to leave. ”Don't tell Kris though, it would not be a surprise for him. I will have someone pick you up and you will meet us at the Main Li Mansion.”
Lena walked Madam Li out and she left. Lena was wondering what kind of trouble she was getting herself into. But if trouble meant to protect the man of her life, she would have front seat tickets.
Lena was wondering if she should tell Kris or not. In the end, she decided not too. It would be a great surprise for him, as Madam Li said.
She sat back down on her desk and realized that she would need to make an excuse to go and stay at the Shen mansion for awhile... because Madam Li would pick her up there. Why does she need an excuse anyways? To visit her home...? Sometimes, Lena was just forgetful.
Lena quickly went back to work. She still needed to visit Andy and get that over with.
She worked for a few hours before leaving. She gave the private jet information for Diane to confirm and deal with the process. James carried the gifts and they head off to the car and drove to the Yang company.
She walked casually in and took the elevator up. Most of the employees already know that Lena was not her usual self. She was more stunning as ever. And with Miss. Eva gone, some rumors were going around that Lena would hook back up with Andy.
Lena got off Andy's floor. She smiled at Sohpia who urgently walked her way.
”Miss. Shen! Thank god you're here.” Sophia panicked.
”CEO Yang has not come out of his office since this morning.”
”That's not a first.” Lena replied.
”I know... but with... the stuff going on lately, I fear that.. you know.” Sophia does not want to say that her boss may be suicidal.
Lena sighed. ”Ok... thanks. I'll take care of it. Order him something to eat.”
Why does Lena feel like she was being too nice lately, and picking up stray cats here and there? Does she have so much free time?
She walked to the office door and tried to open it. It was locked.
”James? How strong are you?”
As if he already knew why Lena asked him that question, James placed the gift down on the floor and kicked the office door opened.
”Thank you.” Lena replied.
She bent down, grabbed the gift and walked in.
Andy was standing, just looking out the window when his door was knocked open. He looked over and saw Lena walking inside like she did not just break his door open. He rolled his eyes and stared back into the scenery.
Lena placed the gift on the table and sat on the sofa.
”Are you okay?”