Chapter 195 - Once in a blue moon (2/2)

Gary was the last one to give Kris the punch, but because Gary doesn't do any punching, his was the most lighted one. Instead, Gary hacked into Kris' bulk of expensive wine and they all drank that instead.

They were going to trash Kris' house but Collin was the father that disapproved of the plan. They got drunk and laughed around as they talked about what Collin was going to do with Stella. Ming was talking gibberish about the bachelor's party.

Ming tired himself out first. It was only once in a blue moon where he could hand out with the crowd. Keso carried the man out when he left. Soon after, everyone else left.

Kris looked at his furnished living room with bottles of empty wine and are with food lying all around. He was too tired to deal with that... He will call someone tomorrow to come to clean his house.

First, he needed to look at his face... he wouldn't want Lena to see him like this tomorrow.

His face not that bad.... it has been a long time since he was punched this much. Keso's punch was the only one that actually did damage to him. He grabbed an ice pack and put it on his face. He looked at his phone and saw that Lena texted him.

He was too busy running around a drunk Ming to pay attention to his phone. He smiled and texted Lena back.

Kris: I am fine

Lena: won't see you tomorrow :C

Kris: Tuesday?

Lena: appointment with Stella

Kris: Next day then

Lena: mhm <3

Lena: Gtg will call you later

Since Lena was not going to be with him for a while, Kris decided to back to the Li mansion. Tye had said that spending more time with his mother might help open his physical stimulants to the new exposures that Lena had helped him with.

He grabbed a few files off his work desk and head out. When he arrived, Madam Li was ecstatic to see Kris home. She had urged him to come home more often. Since before, he had stayed at his own place because Lena was helping him, but now that session was in the past, she wanted him to be home more.

As Kris was having dinner with his mother, she brought up a topic that he had forgotten about.

”We will be going to see you, grandparents, this weekend.” Madam Li spoke.

”I don't have any grandparents.”

”Kris.” Madam Li raised her voice. ”I hate your grandfather as much as you do, but they are still your grandparents. Before your father died, he asked you to forgive the old man.”

”I did... that's why he's still alive is he not?” Kris stopped eating. ”And grandmother will only bring back another stupid girl to rub her on me.”

Kris stood up from his seat. ”I am not going no matter what. If you want me to go, you will have to drug me like last time.” He turned around and left.

Madam Li sighed. There was a reason Madam Li force Kris to go every year... but it was not something he should know about yet... not until he was married. Last year, Madam Li had to drug Kris and kidnap her own son.

Of course, he was not mad at her, but he despised the sight of his grandfather the most. He not only reminded Kris of all the horrible things that were done to him but also who he still is. Something that he cannot deny.