Chapter 184 - Garys Dad (1/2)
Madam Yang went into hiding when she heard the news about Mayor Bai. However, Kris and his men were watching her every move and they still had the mole within her group, so it was easy to track them. The anonymously sent the location to Mayor Bai and it did not take his team to go and get rid of Madam Yang.
Kris' team left the scout when they tipped of Mayor Bai's team. However, before they arrived to get rid of Madam Yang someone else was already there to take care of them all. All the bodies were blasted with multiple shots like the building was raided.
Mayor Bai told his team to search for Madam Yang's body and confirm that she was dead. They counted all the bodies but there was no sign of Madam Yang. Mayor Bai was angry.
Kris had assumed that Madam Yang was dead. However, it was not until early the next day that Keso contacted Kris. Their double agent mole that Kris had placed with Madam Yang was able to escape the raid of the unknown people. He was only able to get to a safe house and then called Keso.
Kris has been staying at the Li mansion. He got up and quickly head out. He made sure to text Lena a good morning before speeding out of the driveway.
When Kris arrived at the safe house, the mole had one bullet wound.
”Tell me what happened.”
The mole was getting treated for his wound. ”I went to hide as soon as you reported the location to Mayor Bai.” He grunted as the doctor stitched him up. ”It was only a few minutes before they showed up, or so I thought. But they just started shooting everyone and everything in the building. Even though I was hiding, I got shot once. The bullet just pierced through the walls like it was not even there.”
”Do you know who was it?” Kris demanded.
”No... But they took Madam Yang away before they started the massacre.” The doctor finished the stitches and moved out so both of them can talk more. ”I only heard the man said, 'Where is my son.'”
Kris patted the man on the back and left. He took out his secured phone and made a call. The other person quickly picked up the call.
”Your dad took Madam Yang.” Kris spoke.
”What?! Last time I checked he was not even near China.”
”Well, it seems your father is smarter than you, Gary”
”Tsk... I am the best in my field.”
”Well then, find them. Especially her.” Kris ended the call and turned to Keso. ”Make sure the witness comes to court today. Mayor Bai thought that it was Madam Yang, but hell, he sure does not know the truth too well.”
Keso nodded.
Gary was up all night doing research and he had just slept for a bit until Kris called him. He was not expecting to see his dad so soon, but he guessed, he needed to go see him now.
Gary woke up and made himself a strong cup of coffee before searching the location of his dad. He figured out that his dad already entered the City the morning after Mayor Bai was arrested. He entered through the triads.
It took Gary a few hours to find the location of his father. Gary has been hiding his death perfectly well and Kris did the best job faking it too. There was no way someone would know that he was still alive unless there was a leak in Kris' team.
But considering what Kris told him, his father probably wanted information on Gary from Madam Yang.
Gary opened his closet to decide what he should wear to meet his father for the first time. Lena stocked his closet with fancy suits and the latest trends. In the end, Gary just put on a hoodie and some black pants.
He locked his house. Gary walked to his ride, put on his helmet, and drove off in his motorcycle.
Gary drove to City C, which was one of the towns nearby City A. It was a two-hour ride there but he pressed the gas and sped all the way there.
When he arrived, he just parked his motorcycle on the side of the road and looked at the empty bar. It was too early for the bar to open but he tried the door anyway. Gary knocked on the door and waited to see if anyone would open it for him.
He looked through the windows and the bar was completely empty. He checked his phone and confirmed that they were still here. He walked to the back. Gary took out a pin and started to pick the door. Just as he opened it, he heard a clicking sound and then a gun to his head.
”This is not a place for you to rob, boy.”
Gary raised both of his hands and dropped the pin. He slowly got up from the ground and turned around. There were three men pointing the gun to him.
”Chillax gentlemen, I am here for family business. I am here to see my father, Chen Xu.”
The man pointing the gun at Gary burst into a laugh and looked at the other guys. ”AHAHAHA! This boy says he's the boss' son. The best excuse I have heard anyone use to see the boss, ahahahahaha!”
”But, Piggy.” Piggy was the guys's nickname. ”Uh.. didn't boss come here to look for his son?”
Piggy stopped laughing and looked at Gary. ”Oi, boy, what's your name.”