Chapter 180 - This gun is faulty (1/2)
Noah carried Eva inside the building and she was tied up to a chair. Lena looked at Eva and then walked away. Andy walked to them and sat on the chair across from Eva.
”Are you ready? She is still not awake yet, you can still turn back.” Lena asked.
”I am. Are you?”
”Oh boy. I have been waiting for this for a long time.” Lena smiled. ”No matter what you hear, don't break the act.”
”Are you trying to scare me now, Lena?”
”I just don't want you to chicken half-way out.”
”I won't.”
”Then, let's get you ready, right?” Lena snapped her fingers and Noah started tying up Andy but not too rough.
Andy goes himself comfortable on the chai. ”So who's going to ----” Before he could finish, Lena already landed a big punch on his face. ”F*ck!”
”Oh.” Lena shook her hand. ”Thought that it wouldn't hurt that much if you didn't know it was coming. Your face is not red enough, let's do it again.”
”Are you kidding me?!”
Lena slapped his face this time, above the area she punched him before. His face was definitely redder now and Lena smiled at her nice handiwork. She learned that if she punched more faces, her hand would get used to the pain.
She grabbed the water hose from Noah and sprayed it at Andy. The water cause a slight pain to his wounded face but Andy toughed it up.
”You need some blood.”
”A what now?” Andy's did not think he had to sacrifice his handsome face today.
”Don't worry, I got some fake blood today for you. I am still nice.” Lena grabbed out a bottle of fake cosmetic blood and dabbed them on Andy's face to make it look like he got beat up badly.
She tossed the bottle to Noah who put in away. They made sure the scene was good and then, they were ready to wake up the baby dragon.
Andy put his head down like he was exhausted. ”Let's do it.” He spoke.
Lena sprayed the water hose at Eva until she started waking up. She panicked first and then screamed but her mouth was tied up. Eva spotted Andy first but he was unconscious. Then she turned her head.
She stopped her panicking when she saw Lena standing by the side. She screamed her name in anger but Lena could not make out her words.
Lena casually took off her black overcoat and handed it to James. Then she smiled and walked up to Eva and pulled her hair up. Lena looked down at the pathetic woman and shook her head.
”Tsk tsk tsk... the wife finally decided to wake up.” Lena released her hold on Eva's hair and put her hand over her mouth instead. ”Oh wait... you're not married yet so you're just still just the stupid fiance.” She giggled.
Eva screamed, but her voice was muffled through the cloth that was tried around her mouth.
”Do you want to speak? You can scream all you want and no one would hear you. ” Lena stood in front of Eva and gave her a hard slap on the face. And then, another one of the opposite side. Lena bent low so her face was the same height as Eva's.
”I would know... because that was what you told them to do to me right? Grab me after the opening ceremony. And what? Have them defile me so I would turn crazy? Lose myself?”
Lena stood up again and nudge her head at James so he would untie the cloth around Eva's mouth. She was already crying and having trouble breathing.
”Please...” She sniffled.
”Stop crying. I can't understand a single sh*t you are saying!” Lena shouted.
Eva took a few breaths to stop crying. ”Please don't hurt Andy. It's not his fault. It was me, just me so please don't hurt him.” She shook her head wildly.
”You expect me to believe that you, a poor pauper was able to put a global hit in the underground for me. You just suddenly won the lottery overnight and what... walk into a bar and be like 'Anyone who does this gets this much money?'”
Lena told Andy that he would be hearing many truths coming out of Eva's mouth. She warned him not to react until they were able to get everything out of Eva. Andy was shocked that Eva had something to do with Lena's first kidnapping. It was kept hush-hush but he the news did spread to him.