Chapter 175 - Slowly or fast? (1/2)
After Lena was done playing mailman with the pair of mother and son, Collin left to go pick up the food he had forgotten.
Lena was ready to leave too. She does not think she can stay here any longer. Her swollen hands were not painful but her back was... she needed to be back being braless.
”It's late... I will go home now.” Lena bowed her head at Madam Li.
”Home? Your house is such a long distance from here and it's late already, just stay over.” Madam Li spoke. Madam Li does not know that Lena just lives a few floors below, she thought Lena was still living at the Shen Mansion.
”Ah... but I--” Lena stopped when she saw Kris shaking his head. He was referring to Lena to not tell his mother that she lives in the same building. ”Kris only has one guestroom with a bed.”
”That's fine. Us women can share a room. Stay.. stay for the night.”
”If you insist then...” Lena could not reject Madam Li's offer.
”Mom, I made you a cake.” Kris showed his mother the cake he made. ”Even though it's passed your birthday, you should still make a wish.”
Madam Li opened the box and smiled at the cake. ”We will eat it after we eat food first. You both must be starving.”
It did not take long for Collin to come back with the food. He delivered it and made an excuse to leave.
After they finished eating the went to the cake. Kris did not buy any candles yet so they just sing happy birthday and Madam Li made a wish.
”Did you make this?” Madam Li took her slice of cake.
”Yeah. All by myself but Lena taught me.”
”Is that so..” She took a bite.
”I was planning to give you a hug this year... but circumstance prevented that.”
”That's fine. This cake made by you is better than your useless private jet and annoying dog.” She took another bite.
Lena smiled and took a bite of her own slice of cake and immediately spit the cake back out on a napkin. ”Is this a sweet cake or a salty one?!”
”What?” Kris tasted the cake and with the same reaction, spit it back out on a napkin. ”Mom, it's poison!” He grabbed the cake that his mother already half-finished eating it.
”It just tells me you put your tears into making it.” Madam Li joked. She did not really mind eating it though... it was the first thing that her son ever made for her.
”I'll make you the correct one next time, don't eat it.” He tossed the whole cake in the trash. He walked back to Madam Li and handed her the card. ”Your present.”
”More?” She took the card and opened it.
”Last time you said we should go on a vacation together.”
Lena was tired. She did not even properly take a shower too. Madam Li told Lena to take a shower and she will make the bed for her.
After Lena finished her shower, Madam Li set a nice bed on the floor for her. Madam Li said they both could sleep on the bed but Lena said that Madam Li can just sleep on it. She felt more comfortable on the floor anyways. The sofa was too much out of her taste too.
Madam Li held Lena's hand. ”Let me reapply the medicine for you.”
They both sat on the bed while Madam Li help applied some ointment to her swollen hands. It was not as swollen anymore, just read.
”Anywhere else?”
Lena smiled... like mother like son... they both asked her the same question. ”Just on my back... but...” She was shy. ”I am not wearing....(a bra).. it irritates it.”
”That's good... you wouldn't want the string to scratch it more. Take off your shirt, it's only us.”
Lena pulled the back of her shirt up so it was easier for Madam Li to apply the ointment.
”Does it hurt? It must have hurt....” Madam Li softly asked as she gently put the ointment on her back. It was already very red because she had the bra on earlier.
”It does... but it's not the first time.”
”Not the first time?”