Chapter 155 - Number one. (1/2)
Instead of driving home right away, Lena stopped at a grocery store to do some late-night food shopping. She only got two bags of food so it would be easy for her to carry it to her apartment.
She walked to her door, placed her bags on the ground, and took out her key to unlock the door. She opened the door and grabbed her bags. She was about to bring her arm to turn on the light but she saw a suddenly say a person standing in her dark hallway.
Her first reaction was to throw something which she did. She tossed one bag of her groceries at the dark figure and jumped forward for a punch. The figure dodged the bag of food and grabbed Lena's hand. The person turned Lena around and held her arm up high.
”It's just me.”
Lena stopped her struggle. She used her free hand to turn on the light. ”Kris?” Kris let go of the woman. ”My f*cken god... I swear you are really cursed every time you are inside my house.”
Lena looked down at her bag of grocery that she tossed at him. Then, she looked up at him. ”How the f*cuk did you even get in here?”
Kris did not dare tell her that he owns this place... so technically he has the master key to all the residents here. He did not reply to Lena.
”Why are you even here? You were supposed to come back tomorrow.” She looked back down on her broken eggs that were leaking out of the container. ”Eff you... you owe me some eggs.”
”You told me to come back so I did.” He spoke softly.
Actually, he did rush to get back home on an earlier flight than what was scheduled. Collin had to be co-pilot because they flew out of schedule. He did not really know why, but he felt like he was missing something.
He found himself in front of Lena's door. He knocked but no one was home. He went back up to his own place, showered, and tried to find something to eat but got bored. He went back to check on Lena if she was home yet, but nope. He got tired of waiting that he went to get the master key and went in himself.
He felt like this was what he was missing... but there was something else too that he could not pinpoint the feeling. He left the lights off and closed his eyes on Lena's living room. He did not open his eyes until he heard the noises of bags and keys jingling. He got up and stood in the hallway.
She was finally home... he smiled. He did not expect the next moment to be a flying bag of grocery to his face.
”Ugh...” Lena picked up the bag from the floor and put it in the kitchen. ”That's something you say to everyone who is away. I did not mean it literally.”
Kris looked like an unwanted kid in her house. Lena rolled her eyes. ”Well... you're here now. Welcome back.”
Kris smiled. ”Thanks.”
”Now, put my food away.” Lena commanded.
”You broke into my house. The least you can do is put my grocery away.”
Lena needed to check on Eva and Andy. She knew that Andy would go back to the apartment. And with the pictures that James sent to Eva, she would definitely do something tonight.
She grabbed her laptop and open the live recording of the microphone in Eva's house. She put on her headphones and brought her laptop to the living room. Kris was still putting her stuff away.
Lena could hear Eva in the bathroom and she was groaning. Lena smiled. She must have taken the pills already. Lena looked up to Kris who seems to be struggling with putting grocery away. She remembered when he was groaning on the bathroom floor too.
While Lena was spying on the two people, Kris was figuring out what items go in the fridge and what items go in the cupboard. He had never done this before.... but it should be plain simple right?
He was sorting the items. He looked at Lena and she was not looking at him. He smiled and just gave up. He stuffed everything in the refrigerator. Better be safe than sorry. He rubbed his hands and stared at his great work.
Kris walked up to Lena and bent down to see what she was doing. He looked at her screen and it was nothing but he knew she was listening to a live recording. He gently pulled one earphone out of Lena's ear and put it in his.
”Shhh.” Lena put a finger on her lips.
Kris sat down right next to her on the floor and scooted himself near her because the headphone wires were not that long. He looked at her focused face. He could see that she had her hair down today too. She looked pretty. Her lashes were so long and her lip....