Chapter 144 - Evas impurity (1/2)

James dropped Lena at her apartment. She left her car at the area but she will go get it back tomorrow. She was in a hurry to leave, she forgot her baby, Rose.

When she got home, she made sure to continue to nag Ming to keep her updated about the situation. He had not replied back to her. However, Tye sent her an attached document through a secure email. This must be the information Lena requested about Eva's medical records.

Lena put the items she ordered in a locked area and went to get her laptop. She took the laptop and went back to her detective room. She pulled up the board and her web of conspiracy showed up. She needed to update her information.

The ”Li mistress” is confirmed but she is dead, so Lena made a big X on the picture. To fully bring Madam Yang down, they need to get rid of her legs, and those are her connection to the Bai family and Eva or Andy. Eva was too gullable but Lena might be able to turn Andy against his own mother. It would be hard, but Lena knew that she can do it.

And if she does it the way she planned to do it, she may still save the man from a bad ending. Just because the man chose the wrong person to love, does not mean his entire life is doomed. Look at Lena, she was given a second chance. Love makes you do the impossible, she knew that she had some many stupid things for Andy.

She turned on her laptop and opened the file that Tye sent her. In his email, he stated that Eva's medical records were highly secured and that he had to go through private ways to obtain them.

He was able to get her records from the shooting accident too. Although the public knew that she was not in the hospital long during that time, her private records state otherwise. She was getting treatment by a private practice.

Just recently though, Eva did get visit an OB/GYN clinic. There was not much information on the visit but she did get prescribed some birth control.

Lena was confused, was Eva not trying to get pregnant? Unless what Mike said was true, that she was a used woman and she needed to protect herself from that life.

The easiest way for Andy to turn against his mother would be using Eva. If Eva is colluding with the crazy mom, then Andy would not stand with them. Lena needed for Eva to break down.

The rings would be done in two days, Lena would use the opportunity to taunt the woman.


It was the next day already. By noon, Mike Zhao was just waking up from his long nap. He still had his eyes closed but he felt a soft and beautiful scent by him. He must have a rough night yesterday with a lovely lady. He smiled and turned his head closer to the warmth.

”Are you awake baby?”

Mike suddenly opened his eyes from a deep voice. He jerked his body off the bed and noticed that he was entirely naked. ”It's a trap!”

”Me.. a trap? Baby, you called me sexy all night long, do you not remember?” The man stroked Mike's face.

Mike hurriedly picked up his clothes and them on. He grabbed his wallet and pulled out a load of cash and tossed them to the person on the bed. He went and opened his suitcase and everything seems to be there. He tried to recall what he did yesterday but he did not remember anything at all.

He only knew that it was Monday so he should have met with Lena. How did he end up here though?

He dragged his suitcase out with him and left.

The man stood up from the bed and collected the money Mike threw at him. He picked up his phone and dialed it. The other person picked up the call.

”He just woke up. He doesn't remember anything.”