Chapter 92 - Keen eyes (2/2)

”To make sure that everything was alright.”

”Did you worry about me?” Lena asked.

”No. This is your first time and you are sure to fail at some point if you are too overconfident.”

”That is called worrying, you know?”

Kris turned away and looked out the window. Lena noticed that James was following them right behind, so at least she knew she did not just leave him. The rest of the ride was quiet. James followed them until they reached the apartment building. Lena thanked Keso for the drive and waved at James to show him that she was fine.

The day has not turned dark yet. Lena walked in with Kris but she stopped at her elevator while he continued on. She watched him while she waited for her elevator. He got into his first and after a minute, her elevator door opened.

Lena entered the elevator and pressed her floor number, 56. It usually takes a few minutes before it arrived. When she got into her home, she tossed her purse into her bed and changed out of her dress. She was now wearing a tank and some shorts.

She opened her purse and took out the medicine bottle and sim card. She placed the sim card on her desk and brought the medicine bottle back to her in the kitchen. There was a small cabinet in the kitchen where she put her medicine.

But what she needed was a small zip bag to put one of the pills in to send it to the lab to confirm what it was. She placed the medicine bottle on the counter and opened it. She took one pill out and looked at it.

Just then, her doorbell rung. She placed the pill on the counter and went to see who it was. She looked at the monitor and it was Kris outside her door. He looked sick.

”Did you forget something?” Lena opened the door slightly and poked her head out.

”Do you have any headache medicine?” Kris wondered. He slightly tilted his head and touched his the side of his forehead.

”You don't have that in your luxurious penthouse?”

Kris stared at her like having medicine was supposed to be a normal thing. Lena shook her head. If this man does not have medicine in his home, then she wondered what other things he did not have.

”You're banned from entering my home.” Lena clarified.

”Are you that greedy? I asked for medicine, not dinner.” Kris retorted back.


Lena let Kris in and directed him to sit on the sofa while she goes get him the medicine. She went to the medicine cabinet and looked for the aspirin. She found it lurking in the back behind her vitamins. She took it out and was about to open it when her phone in her room started ringing. She ignored it and continue to open the medicine bottle.

The ring stopped and it rang again. She was having a little difficulty opening the bottle. She put it down and went to answer her phone instead. Second time calling usually mean something important.

She walked past Kris before heading to her room. She glanced at him and he looked quite in pain. ”Gotta answer the phone, might be an emergency. The medicine is over there.” She pointed to the kitchen. ”I already took it out. Glasses are up in the cabinets.”