Chapter 53 - Our Little Secret (1/2)

After the call, Hazel texted Lena the location to meet them. It was their usual restaurant that they usually meet at, Hades. Hades, like it's name, was a unique place matching it's theme of the underworld.

The area has an aura like it is a place for shady business, but it was mostly a secure and secluded area for people to have a private meeting and a chilled time.

The three restaurants: Zues, Poseiden, and Hades are won by Hazel's family. Her father is the younger brother of Andy's father. The restaurants were also very popular places for celebrities due to is unique environment and security. They don't need to worry about crazy fans or people being disruptive of their privacy.

Lena gave her focus back to Gary, who was slouched on the seat and staring out the car window. She could not tell what he was thinking about. They have gotten closer and she hopes that he can also get closer with Hazel, despite her disruptive attitude.

”You don't have to go if you don't want to.” Lena assured him.

”It's fine.” He was still calm, looking out the window. Seemed like he was deep in thought.

”You sure? No take backs. Once we are there, you can't run away like last time.”

”I don't know if a man devil is worse or a female devil.” Gary silently mumbled. He was referring to Kris Li to Hazel. He didn't know that escaping one devil will lead you to another.

”What did you say? I did not hear you clearly.”

”I just said that I will go, so don't worry.”

”Ok. However, there is one thing that I need you to do.”

Gary turned back to see Lena seriously speaking to him. He stopped daydreaming and smiled. ”What one thing?”

”You can't tell Hazel about my kidnapping. Not a single word about it.”

”This is going to be our little secret?”

Lena hated keeping information from Hazel, but she was very short-tempered and a more extreme uncontrollable woman. If Hazel knew about this situation, she will blow up the problem and cause trouble with anyone involved. And in the end, Lena and even the Yang family cannot save her.

There had been a few times when Hazel had gone out of the way to do things, but the Yang family were strong enough to hide her troubles. But Lena cannot guarantee the same protection if Hazel went against Kris Li.

She barely made it out alive from him, Lena doubt someone like Hazel will survive in his territory. She should stick to her career, hot boys and drama lifestyle. Hazel was like your typical villainess: steaming hot, feisty, full of fake masks, a white lotus, and not a lot of brain cells.

Lena definitely got influenced a lot by Hazel, but the new Lena has somewhat changed. Lena knew that continuing to be a villainess will result in a bad ending.

Sometimes, Lena wondered why she continued to stick around Hazel, who was mainly a ticking time bomb. You don't know when she will do something bad or something good. There was just something strong about their friendship that cannot be explained.

”Hazel doesn't have self-control like you. So, no matter what, you can't mention a word about this. Promise?”