Chapter 32 (1/2)

At nightfall, Xiao Chen slipped quietly out of his room. He was about to leave when Lil Ruo’s voice came from the chamber next door, “Where are you going so late in the night, Young Master?”

“Ah, nothing special. I am only going for a nighttime stroll. Off you go to bed.”

A little over an hour later, he reached the abode of the three Elders. Noticing that the candles were still burning in their abode, he went to their door and knocked gently, “Good evening, Elders. I am Xiao Chen. I have something to speak to you of.”

“Xiao Chen?” A voice croaked from within the house. There was the loud creak of a door opening; it was Elder Song.

Xiao Chen peered into the house. There he saw Elder Liu, with beads of perspiration upon his forehead, as he was brewing medicine and elixirs. Elder Wu was at one side, going through a list where on the table before him sat a large package still opened.

Elder Song said to him, “It is late, Xiao Chen. We will speak tomorrow.”

“Are you three brewing elixir? I may be able to be of help.” Xiao Chen replied with a smile.

Elder Wu turned to him and muttered softly, “Let him in, Song.”

Xiao Chen beamed faintly as he walked into the abode. Elder Song immediately shut the door behind him and asked, “How are you going to help us? Are you good in brewing medicine?”

Xiao Chen bobbed his head lightly and said, “I know a thing or two about it.”

This made Elder Liu stopped in his tracks. He stopped what he was doing and came over. He was aware that Xiao Chen was adept in brewing medicine, yet he was still worried for he had not personally witnessed Xiao Chen’s prowess.

Knowing that action spoke louder than words, Xiao Chen produced a Qi-refining Pill, one that he had concocted with meticulous care days ago. The pill blushed with a golden and smooth luster without any defect. There was even a faint layer of white radiance sparkling upon its surface.

Elder Wu’s aged eyes sparkled with interest. He immediately took the pill and examined it, exclaiming, “Is this a Qi-refining Pill?” He handed it to Elder Liu, saying, “Look, Liu.”

Elder Liu took the pill and studied it too, his expression changing. Elder Song asked him, “How is it? Would you be able to make one?”

Elder Liu gave no reply. Moments passed before his head rose as he held Xiao Chen with a stare, “Did you make this yourself?”

Xiao Chen only nodded silently. Elder Liu’s expression took another change, mumbling, “This is a Qi-refining Pill of high quality. I am afraid the Elder of the Elixir Room is the only person in the entire Three Pure Sect capable of producing an elixir of such excellence…”

Hearing this, Elder Song and Wu were aghast with shock. They look incredulously at Xiao Chen as Elder Liu stammered, “Who are you?”

Xiao Chen shook his head and simply said, “The truth of my identity hardly matters. What matters is that I can brew elixirs with these herbs for you in three days.” His finger was pointing at the giant bag of herbs on their table.

Elder Liu asked frantically, “Is what you said true?”

Xiao Chen giggled, “It is the duty of a disciple to assist his teacher with his problems.”

However, Elders Song and Wu did not share the same enthusiasm as Elder Liu. They both glanced at each other doubtfully. Brewing the three bags of medicinal herbs into elixirs were tasks charged to them by their overseers. Completion of the task would mean that they would not have to tolerate any punishment. However, nothing came without its cost, the Elders full well knew. The boy’s appearance at this very hour, when their need was most dire, would surely hold unspoken mysteries.

Elder Song first spoke, “Young man. Speak your terms. What do you want from us? We will help you as long as we’re able to.”

Xiao Chen smiled cheerfully, “I will be blunt then. I need the pithy formula for the cultivation methods of Lv 2 to Lv 9 of the Qi-refining Realm and Lv 1 of the Foundation Building Realm.”

The three Elders were dismayed to hear this. Elder Song bolted to the windows and looked if anyone was prying. Elder Liu, mortified with shock, said, “Forget about it. Return to your lodgings, Xiao Chen. We cannot help you.”

Being also a disciple of a Cultivators’ sect in his previous life, Xiao Chen fully understood their reservations. Impartation of skills and cultivation methods of higher levels was a capital sacrilege in the arcane world. Offenders of this supreme law would at least be sentenced to a 10-year long vigil of reflection; some might even have their powers completely stripped and expelled from the sect, never again to set foot into the arcane world. Only those with the bearing and position, like his own Master, Ling Yin, could escape with nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

“I understand the gravity of my request, Elders. Still, I will swear to keep this a secret between us. No one else needs to know about this.”

Elder Liu grimaced, “Be that as it may. Still, us three will hardly be able to escape scrutiny if anyone were to notice anything.”

Xiao Chen then said, “Rest at ease, Elders. I am but a very subtle person…” However, he had barely finished when Elder Wu interjected with a bitter laugh, “Subtle? What about your thrashing of Ye Shaochong yesterday? Do you call that subtle?”

“Err…” Xiao Chen could find no way to justify himself.

Elder Song came over to him and said sourly, “We will speak no more of this, Xiao Chen. Go back and rest. You will not have to help us with our herbs and we have not had this conversation…”

“Ah…” Xiao Chen sighed. It seemed that the three Elders lacked the nerve to help him. However, he smiled to them, “No matter, Elders. Let me help you with the herbs nonetheless. Consider it as repayment for your care and favor towards Lil Ruo.”

“But this…” His sudden gesture left Elder Wu speechless.