Part 1 (1/2)

A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After

by Edward Bok


In recent years Araphies of ht to this country, where they grew up as loyal citizens of our great nation Such assimilated A a stranger in a strange land, but had to develop within themselves the noble conception of Aospel Andrew Carnegie, the canny Scotch lad who began as a cotton weaver's assistant, becanate and an eminent constructive philanthropist Jacob Riis, the a of an American_ the story of his rise to prominence as a social and civic worker in New York Mary Antin, as brought froave us in _The Pronificance to the foreign-born The very title of her book was a flash of inspiration

To this group of notable autobiographies belongs _The Americanization of Edward Bok_, which received, from Columbia University, the Joseph Pulitzer Prize of one thousand dollars as ”the best A patriotic and unselfish service to the Nation and at the saes who framed that decision could not have stated more aptly the scope and value of the book It is the story of an unusual education, a conspicuous achievement, and an ideal now in course of realization

At the age of six Edward Bok was brought to America by his parents, who had met with financial reverses in their native country of the Netherlands He spent six years in the public schools of Brooklyn, but even while getting the rudi his spare hours to bring home a few more dollars to aid his needy fa the sho of a small bakery for fifty cents a week At twelve he becaraph Corapher; at twenty-six he beca the thirty years of his supervision achieved the remarkable circulation of two million copies and reached every month an audience of perhaps ten million persons Such is the bare outline of a career that has the essential characteristics of struggle and achievement, of inti of all, is not a fulfilled career, but a life still in the nificance of _The Americanization of Edward Bok_ is threefold and is clearly indicated by the author's own conception of the three periods that should constitute a well-rounded life These he characterizes as education, achievement, and service for others

Conceived in this ideal spirit, the autobiography has a irl who is looking forward to the years of achievement and who should be made to understand that there is a finer duty beyond It has an equally ie for those of us who in the tur to achieve, in many instances with no vision beyond the desire to provide as best we can for the welfare of ourselves and our fae for those who are now in a position to render altruistic service and thus contribute their share toward eneral and America in particular a better place in which to live

Because of the recognized value of Edward Bok's life-story, the present abridged edition, which is re-named _A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After_, has been undertaken The chapters here brought together, with the approval of Mr Bok, tell the story of the Dutch boy in the American school, his earnest efforts to help his parents, his journalistic and literary experiences, his wide-spread influence as editor, and a vision of what he still hopes to accoirls who become familiar with the story of this resourceful Dutch lad should note that he is not asha the fire, preparing the breakfast, and washi+ng the dishes before he went to school, and when he returned from school he did not play but swept, scrubbed, and washedmeal He did not whine and er keep the retinue of servants to which they had been accustomed in the Netherlands He simply pitched in and helped The same spirit impelled him to clean the baker's s for fifty cents a week, to deliver a newspaper over a regular route, to sell ice water on the Coney Island horse-cars--in short, to do any honorable work to overcome the burden of poverty Meanwhile he strove to acquire what little education he could, but he probably learned more from his association with the prominent persons whoraph collecting Such a boyhood brings home the important truth that necessity is the mother of self-reliance

Mr Bok's story indicates the road to success and gives encouragement to those ould tread that pleasant way, but it also sounds a frank warning against the pitfalls that beset ambitious youth When he was sent by the city editor of the _Brooklyn Eagle_ to review a theatrical perfor to the theatre, he had, of course, no warning that the performance would not take place He took what many a more experienced reporter would consider a reasonable chance and he suffered keen humiliation when the lesson was forced home that it does not pay to atte irateful because it happened so early in life that he could take the experience to heart and profit by it With equal candor he tells of the stock-market ”tips” that resulted from his intimacy with Jay Gould

Wisely he records that he resolved to keep out of Wall Street thereafter, in spite of his initial success in speculation When he gave up an association that probably would have led to his beco a stock-broker, and somewhat later, when he declined an offer to be the business er for a popular American actress, Edward Bok was called upon to make fateful decisions In this story he lays ample stress upon the need for careful and deliberate consideration at such crucialand successful editorshi+p of _The Ladies' Home Journal_ reveals the extent of his influence on American social and domestic conditions He broadened the scope of _The Journal_ until it touched the life of the nation at azines had devoted most attention to fashi+ons, needle-work, and cookery, printing a few sentiive the necessary literary atreat variety of proble the American home and those elled therein A corps of editors was assembled to conduct departes of _The Journal_ Free scholarshi+ps in colleges and in azine premiums

Series of articles were published to foster our national appreciation for better architecture, better furniture, better pictures--in brief, for better ho of patent rettes, the use of the public drinking-cup, the disfiguring of A, the use of fireworks on the Fourth of July, and e He printed convincing photographs taken in various ”dirty cities” that tolerated refuse and other evidences of untidiness on their streets and literally shaue-spots Had he been a coht on the subscription list he would have avoided controversy by confining his leading articles to subjects unlikely to offend any one, but he would not pursue any policy that meant a surrender of his ideals When occasion demanded he did not hesitate to hit squarely froreed with him or not, it knew that _The Journal_ was very much in earnest whenever it espoused any cause

Mr Bok's last important service as editor of _The Journal_ was a direct outcome of our participation in the Great War The problems raised by that world cataclysm called for a restateed for a number of articles adapted to the needs of every coe or small, and these were soon acclaimed as the most comprehensive exposition of practical Ahted editor with a long experience behind hi to this country were ready to enjoy our privileges without undertaking to share our responsibilities The newcomer could realize a freedoher standards of living and to establish a better ho in return? We did not subject him to a political confession of faith and we did not fix his social caste; e justified in asking hie and to uphold our institutions? The intelligent irant knows that the culture of America is a transplanted European culture, but he quickly realizes that it has beco distinctive because it developed under conditions where social barriers or racial jealousies are of slight irasps this truth, as did Edward Bok, knoell that America stands ready to accept any man, whether native-born or alien, at his true worth and will give him unequalled opportunity tohis Aiven his fellow-A from him

He is aware of our pride in e have achieved, but he points the way to still greater triuard to thrift, to be h in e do, and finally, to overcome our prevalent lack of respect for authority Such advice is especially appropriate at this tireatest and most destructive of all wars, a prudent nation will follow the fundamental political and econoance, for slipshod service, or for defiance of established law Our young people need every incentive to make the most of their talents and of their opportunities If they observe closely the successive steps of Mr

Bok's career they will understand why he did not continue to wash shop-s all his life or why the Western Union's office-boy did not grow up to be a er In the important chapters entitled ”The Chances for Success” and ”What I Owe to America” they will learn that ambition and industry must be supplemented by other ader to serve his country to the utraphy have aor old In the hand to the other fellow and to accept in ospel of the brotherhood of ed him to join in the movement to beautify his home co of an endowment fund of almost two million dollars for the Philadelphia Orchestra is ould expect of the idealist who sets out to observe the wise precept of his Dutch grandparents: ”Make you the world a bit more beautiful and better because you have been in it”

Throughout the book the observant reader will note the author's pride in his Dutch ancestry and his consciousness of the fact that he owes so much to the splendid qualities of his forbears Such pride n birth or parentage who feels that he is bringing into our social and industrial life certain cohters of his fatherland, whatever that fatherland may be

The admirable dedication that Mr Bok has prepared for this little voluirls, but its e is just as vital for the older reader In the prime of life and on the threshold of his Third Period, Mr Bok has begun to give practical demonstration of the kind of service that is possible for those who are sincerely ready to serve He is alive to the fact that as a nation we are still young and eager to learn We have made serious mistakes in the past and our institutions are as yet far fro the ord of altruistic service in the spirit of Mr Bok's conception, there can be virtually no limitations to the part that America seems destined to play in the future