12 Results and Surprises (1/2)

Dan saw the description of the new creature and shook his head silently.



Level: 4

Life: 5000

Description: In places of large burials or battles often accumulate a huge amount of destructive energy for living creatures. Fresh and buried body in such land has a chance to become a disgusting form of life, Ghoul. Ghoul eats a dead body, paying special attention to decaying internal organs, allowing him to be in lethargic sleep with no food. Unlike other undead species, the Ghoul has the rudiments of the mind. Ghoul keeps some memories of his past life and can even talk, but does not think that it made him more peaceful. In front of you a tricky creature that can attract a stronger opponent to you, to then taste your remains. The Ghoul is clever but weak. If you meet with this opponent, you should be wary of physical contact, as the Ghoul is the carrier of many diseases, and such creatures like to keep a herd. Killing the Ghoul, in no case leave the corpse to fate. Destroy it, so that other Ghouls do not get so coveted food. A Ghoul can eat his brother's internal organs and turn into an Alghoul.


Fortunately, the scouts noticed two creatures that were digging in an open grave before the monsters noticed the players. The scouts used a mixture of fire. Michael brought with him a small supply of fuel oil for a small lamp. And now this oil, spilled over small clay jars, with oily rags in their necks, has gone into action.

John and Nick sneaked to the grave and dropped simple fiery grenades on the heads of creatures who were not expecting an attack. A wild squeal rose, and two bursting figures went deep into the cemetery, dragging the undead with them. In five minutes, all the players got the experience, the scouts got the achievement 'Pyromancer' and 15 points of 'Glory'. By the agreement, they did not throw points in the common bank, and both developed their skills. Battles with skeletons continued, skeletons of warriors and zombies were rarer. Players tried to avoid Ghouls.

By evening, all hardly kept on their feet.

Players destroyed fifty-three skeletons, five ghouls, four zombies, two warrior skeletons. They did not meet any new creatures. But this is not surprising because they kept to the edge all the time, trying not to climb deep into the cemetery.

The group had no problem getting to the shelter where the players hit the floor.

Alexander and Michael decided to throw a morning run to the village to stock up on new clay pitchers and butter. As for the ghouls, the fire helped well.

Nick and John had volunteered as messengers for the village, and it was decided to send a scout to get them back before dark.

Michael accompanied them and returned. One pitcher of butter was still left, and soon the room lit a small light. Jim settled in the corner and took out a small table of tools from his inventory. Jim went through the trophies, most of which had been taken by the scouts. Nick got a chance to start developing his trade skills. The guest house in the village had the opportunity to rent a chest for storage. Michael said that this chest had to be tied to a creature like a zombie to chase away a local tricky bloodsucker.

Players didn't get seriously injured and were able to take a lot of trophies. It was mostly armor, some even with boost characteristics. Armor, sometimes new, but more often with reduced durability, rings, amulets, gold jewelry, gems, a couple of things that did not have enough scrolls of identification. They collected some money from monsters, very little silver and a lot of copper. Gandalf and Jim were the only ones who wanted to deal with trophies. The rest of the group lay down on the floor and shared their impressions of the past day.

Players discussed skills and tried tactics against monsters. Dan talked about what he learned from the skill of 'Cognition'.

By the end of the day, the monster identification skill had evolved into a four. And now in the description, in addition to information about the origin and basic information, began to appear initial information about the class skills of monsters and their strengths and weaknesses. Very interesting skill, the higher the rank, and the more information could be obtained about the opponents. But being a simple observer did not work for Dan. The skill required a fight with monsters, and the inquisitor changed his bracelets on the club, the new club was longer and thicker than the basic one.

So, it took a couple of hours until the door was knocked on a conventional signal. Michael let the scouts in and locked the door again.

The scouts brought news, and good news, and bad news.

The bad news was that a level 21 werewolf, elite, was wandering by the road to the village. If it wasn't for Invisibility and camouflage, the guys could have died. They checked the quest mark, it was near the village on the other side. There were two more werewolves, possibly more! If the others are under 20, that's too bad.

And the good news was that there were two new players in the village!

A man of thirty and a woman with him about the same age.

Gandalf rushed to praise the gods who heard him. Players began asking for details.

The man's name was Alan, 28, he worked as a teacher at school. Level 4.

The woman's name was Valerie, 25. She worked as a fitness trainer. Same level 4.

The guys briefly told them about this world, gave them twenty silver Rials and asked them to wait for the group in the village.

Strange players are not free to make a binding to the point of rebirth. Now to make the binding, one of the members of the clan has to obtain permission. Fearing for their reputation, the scouts did not allow the binding, leaving the decision to the group. The new people were a little outraged and argued, but it was the right thing to do. Let them sit in the village, they will be safer in it.

The chest for trophies was rented, the key was taken with them. Turin was also indicated in the chest when Nick saw the dwarf, he would give him a temporary key.

The scouts brought 4 gallons (15.14 l) of oil and many empty bottles of fragile vials and jars. They didn't buy much oil, the stock of the villagers wasn't endless.

The players filled up the lamp and poured oil from the large jugs into small bottles. Each player was given five fire grenades.

They didn't want to go to sleep yet, and the conversations started again.

\”Is she pretty?\”

\”I don't know, cute.\”

\”Does she look like? Does she sound nice? What are your eyes like? Are your breasts big?\”

\”Gandalf, I tell you again, leave me alone. Come to the village, you'll look at it yourself and you'll know everything.\”

Nick was trying to fight Gandalf off. John was telling Alexander something with an important face. He could hardly hide his smile, and he was in no hurry to help his friend.

\”Hold the paper, Dan.\”

Michael put a stack of clean pages in front of the players, a rough thread with a thick needle and a pen with an inkwell. And he explained his thoughts:

\”Write everything the system showed you about monsters.\”

\”And why is that, because of two new people?\” asked Dan. \”I can't draw.\”

\”Gandalf can do it, now he's going to make Nick totally mad. Then, he'll run off and help you. Our new clan members have nothing to do with your assignment. I talked to the locals, Dan. This world is huge and very poorly populated. The locals know through the news from the caravans that there are only ten towns in the entire mainland where we are, with thousands of thirty and many small villages. And each region has its own kinds of monsters. I've seen a rough map at the head of the village.

There are four continents in this world, each the size of Australia. Can you imagine the size of this world? And that's the world where the players come in. We're few, very few. And what would seem to be the reason for our coming here?\”

\”Somewhere else, people are coming. They form groups like ours?\”

\”Yes, and someday we'll meet big clans and groups. The information that we gather will help them, and what they learn will help us. Jim will tell you about the craft, the rest of us will tell you about our classes and features. Gandalf will tell you everything he learns about magic. We'll create our own guide to this game.\”

\”Have you decided to establish a new outpost of civilization here?\”

\”You know, I don't believe we can go home. I hope, but I don't believe,\” said Michael in a sad smile. \”You said right then in the hall, every death will change us. So, I don't think we can go back to our past lives. No reasonable man will let go of people who are used to dying and killing so often and calmly.\”

\”Let's hope we're wrong.\”

\”Let's hope so. Will you take the job?\”