452 Crown Pololi (1/2)

”Al, haven't you been caged in too much cottage lately?

”That's the kind of Elna mother that gets in the knob quite often, isn't it?

Mother Erna, who threw those words at me, is right in front of me.

That was a good indication that Mother Erna was also in the cottage.

”Don't change the story. We're talking about Al now.”

”No, but it's not convincing to point out that someone in a snail is always in a snail.”

”I'm not as bumpy as Al, so I'm safe.”

I want you to stop expressing yourself like you're haunted by gambling.

I mean, I had no idea by what standard it was safe or out.

Cottage is warmer today than that. The magic props in the cocktails seemed to be doing a good job today.

”Dear Alfried, Mr. Triella is writing to you”

Sarah brought a single letter when she and Elna had a conversation like verbal play that had no other love.

”Oh, that's Tory.”

”Wait a minute. It's got a royal crest in it, isn't it? Open it carefully.”

Mother Erna waited as she tried to open it by hand unconstitutionally.

Check the back, it has a royal crest on it.

”Don't you have to worry so much about the envelope in the letter?

”It would be troublesome if they changed the letter when something happened. If the royal seal was torn at that time, it would be considered disrespectful.”

Yeah, what's that? The royalty of this world is really scary.

Sarah brought me a paper knife, so I carefully open the seal.

I was in a position where I couldn't hurt the crest, but my hand trembled a little because Elna explained the horror to my mother.

”Elna, does your mother read?

”It says it's addressed to the toy king. I can't be the first to read it.”


Inside the seal was a letter from Tory and a thoughtful letter from the king.

Carefully spread them out and look through the letters.

”What's in the letter?

”Tory wants you to make a battle pencil because he gave you the king's permission, and the king says thank you.”

Tory said he wanted the king to make a battle pencil in a hurry because he had given his permission, and the letter from the king was spelled out with words of gratitude when he did.

”... let me see some”

Even though I summarised the contents for you, Elna Mother tells you to give me the letter.

I guess my words alone couldn't reassure me.

Then I'm glad you read it first.

Elna took the time to look through her eyes and gently wrote back to me.

”I don't see any particular problem.”

That's what you said.

Damn it, does Mother Erna think I can't read?

I'm not even Sister Elinora, and I don't mean anything differently.

”... you read the letter, didn't you?

Mother Erna says the obvious, even though she takes it out of her heart and does it with a cocktail.

”Yeah, I read it?

It's a toy for the king, so hurry up and take it.

”Uh, I'm not in that mood right now, so I'll start tomorrow. Anyway, they don't know the date and time of the letter's arrival, and there's about a day of error -”


”Okay. I'll call you right now.”

That's exactly what I've been doing with my son for years. I know as much as I can tell by the signs that Mother Erna is going to be serious and angry.