418 Ra-chan cheer up strategy (1/2)

When the scooping of the small fish was over, it was almost time for sundown, so we joined with Silvio and Bram, and returned to the mansion by Aleysia carriage.

When we enter the hall, many maids and mothers of Elna will welcome you.

While Alecia and Luna are happily chatting with Erna's mother somewhere, only Ra-chan is not well.

Probably the shock of the scooping of the small fish was not missed.

”I'm sorry, Lana seems to be tired, so let me rest first.”

”Oh, have you gone outside and have you been tired? I'll help you if you have any problems, so please take care of yourself.”

”Thank you for your consideration”

Loretta graciously bows, holding hands with Ra and heading toward the bedroom.

”I will rest in my room until dinner.”

I told her about the harvest festival because she was playing as much as she wanted, and she moved with her rim with a shiny face.

What I enjoyed most today is Alecia.

”Luna, don't you just practice until dinner?”

”... Yeah, I was going to say that too.”

”Then, gather in the courtyard with a wooden sword.”

Erinora Unnie and Luna made a promise to see if they still had enough physical strength and scattered into their rooms.

I do not understand what their physical strength is like. And the way of promise is like a junior high school boy.

”Silvio, I want to read Princess Merlin's book that I just talked about. Can you guide me?”

”Yes, it's good. I'll guide you to the study.”

Perhaps Bram and Silvio were together all day long today. Surprisingly, friendship was progressing. Apparently, I would like to introduce a book recommended by Silvio.

”Whether you're a challenger and a challenger, what's your friendship? Bram's attitude is clearly different from my time ...”

”If you look back at your actions, you know?”

When you tilt your head, Eric says stunned.

Erinora's unsuccessful duel was due to her duel, and the first duel was neglected, and she defeated it with magic using Shelka ... Yeah, it was too bad at first.

Compared to that, Silvio has the kindness that she talks and takes care of while knowing that Bram is a troublesome guy.

Yeah, it might be reasonable for Bram to miss it.

”No, maybe they're burying from Sotobori to capture Elinora-nee-chan ...!”

Some older sisters said that their mouths were sour that it was a standard practice to break down from around them in order to shoot the opponent.

Because it is difficult to break Elinora unnie, cut it off from Silvio, who has good people ...

”It will not be”

Eric laughs with my nose at my concern.

Yeah, I thought too.

I wouldn't have been able to challenge a duel from the front in order to get engaged with Elinora unnie.

Bram isn't the one who can live the world like that.

Yeah, if they get along, Bram will be less involved with me. I hope you get along well. Because Silvio has few male friends.

I'm thinking about what a drunken thing I'm looking at, like her mother said.

”Eric, even tea-”

”Bad, Alfleet. I return to my room.”

You know that Erna's mother wants to talk to me, Eric reads the air and leaves.

Damn, if you know, help me, my friend.

”And Al. Why isn't Lana-sama well? Did something weird?”

No wonder why I did the premise.

I guess I can't do anything strange to Ra-chan.

I tell a story about the scooping of small fish to her mother, who turns her eyes to doubt.

”Well?-That's why-I wasn't doing well for that reason.”

I heard the words that seemed to pop out of Erna's mother's mouth and felt that her purity was inferred.

Well, Elna's mother is a merchant's daughter, but a strong woman with a past who has become an adventurer and has slaughtered many monsters.

Perhaps she couldn't keep up with Perah's too delicate and too pure heart.

”Is it better to cheer up in such a case?”

”Oh, it's not kind to Al.”

Mr. Elna responds to the proposal that came out of my mouth with astonishment.

”Wait a minute, so it's not like I'm not usually kind.”

”Well, why wouldn't this be troublesome and stick your neck?”

Erna's line is clear, but there is something I want to insist on.

”Maybe, but there's no pure child around me like Ra-chan-nothing.”

The moment her true intention came out, her smile turned black.

I must have made an oath to say nothing extra.

”That's right, Al should do his best to reinvigorate Mr. Lana, because if you weren't fine with the Misfeed family's daughter who came back from Slowlett territory, it would be something wrong.”

Peg, in that case, sheska of syscon must get on with what my sister did.

Even though I and Eric are hated, it is likely to be more angry.

I don't mean I've been rumored to have become dignified with the Dukes.

”... I see.”

Speaking with a bitter smile, she nodded with satisfaction.

The second day of the harvest festival. Ra-chan has not lost his shock yesterday, and his tension is a bit low after breakfast.

If yesterday, I was excited about the new breakfast and the fun of the harvest festival, but this change.

There is an air of worries about Rachan from everyone.

I felt like her mother drinking her after-meal tea was telling her to do something with her eyes.

”Well, Eric. How do you think Ra-chan will be fine?”