388 New slippers (1/2)
We were greeted by Alecia and Ra-chan, and we entered the entrance to take us to the mansion.
However, the escorts cannot be guided all at once, so the escorts are first guided by Sarah to a remote residence to stay.
Your opponent may be nervous as a duke's escort, but if it is Sala, he will do it without problems.
”When you go up to the house, please take off your outer shoes and put on your inner shoes and slippers here.”
Listening to her mother, Ra-chan tilts her neck.
In the Misfilit Kingdom, there are many outside shoes in the house. Aleysia is also surprised, and she will probably spend her outside shoes on her mansion.
”You see, there's an animal here too.”
”What is this cute!”
For the time being, we are offering slippers with a quiet design as a guest opponent, but there are also Gekota and Pyonkichi series that I made.
When he offered it, Ra-chan shined his eyes and ate.
”Take off your shoes and put your feet in this way.”
”like this?”
When I put on the slippers of Pyonkichi, Ra-chan imitated and put his feet on.
”Yes Yes”
”Wow, there's a frog on my feet and it's cute!”
I guess you liked Geko thick slippers. Lara sees her slippers and jumps cutely.
By the way, when I showed it to Viscount Dole, she flirted in the same way as Ra-chan, but her cuteness was different.
”I was puzzled at first, but it's easy to get used to.”
”Ah, Eric's slipper pig!”
Ra-chan rejoices when she sees Tonkichi at Eric's feet.
The side that made you so happy with slippers alone will not be exhausted.
”Alleysia-sama, please.”
”Oh, am I the only normal thing?”
When Silvio recommended slippers to Alecia, that line came back.
Since this seemed to be confusing to Mr. Silvio, my friend asked me.
”Well, does Alaysia miss animal slippers?”
”Yes, because this one is more cute. And when I'm wearing another thing, I'm sad to be out of the company.”
Alecia shows a sad girl's expression.
The gesture is very good, but somehow it's a lie.
Erinora unnie, who is looking behind him, seems to be a little irritated after seeing that Kamatoto for the first time. There may be something that feels as the same girl.
”Hey Alfleet. Are there any other pretty slippers?”
When I see Alecia with a sad face, Eric says something like that.
Are you my boss?
I was older than me because I was calm and I thought that ordinary things were good, but apparently Alecia wants the same slippers as us.
I can't help finding a new slipper from my shoebox.
It is not interesting to show the same thing or different colors here. Dragon slippers are exclusively for Nord Father. Would you give me a newly made one?
”Then, there's alligator and hippo beauty, Chu-kichi, which is better?”
”Crocodiles, hippos and rats!”
Yes, as Ra-chan said, the newly made slippers imitated crocodile, hippo and rat.