356 Come to the mountain to get spring water (1/2)

After eating breakfast, I was walking down the corridor to return to my room, and I heard a whine from the kitchen.

This is the sound of oil ... Is it fried on a magic stove?

I was a little worried and went into the kitchen where Bartolo was making something that seemed to be fried.

When I approach from behind as it is, I often surprise Bartolo, so it appears on purpose to make a big turn and enter the field of view.

No matter how dark the shadows are or there is no sign, it is safe first because you are now frying.

”What? Did you come to eat a shabu food?”

”No, it's not. I just ate breakfast. Who came to eat me in front of me?”

”I'm Elina's daughter and Mina.”

Oh, it's an easy-to-understand face.

Erinora-nee suddenly left the dining room, but maybe she heard the fried chicken and went out.

”By the way, why did you make fried chicken in the morning? Didn't Elinora's vigilante practice today?”

I just finished eating breakfast. Normally, Bartolo and maid meals are the same menu we ate. Because it takes less effort and money.

It is natural that fried chicken will not come out in my house from the morning, so this is sometimes made from scratch.

Erinora unnie doesn't have vigilante training today, so no lunch is needed. Nevertheless, I'm curious why Bartolo is preparing fried chicken from the morning.

”Oh, this is my lunch, not my daughter”


”Hey, go to the mountains to get spring water.”

”Can't we use the well water?”

There is a well in the garden of the mansion even if you don't bother to go to the mountain to get spring water.

When I ask a simple question, Bartolo tells me to emphasize.

”No, it's useless. The water in the village here is beautiful and delicious even in a well. But the spring water in the mountains is more delicious.”

Hey, if you say that, you won't be bothered by spring water.

He has been drinking water from rivers, but never from the spring water in the mountains.

”I mean, most of the tea used by the shavens every day is spring water.”

”Maybe Erna's instructions?”

”... Oh, making spring water seems to be the best.”

When asked while surprised, Bartolo answers with a distant eye.

No way spring water was already used ... Royal feed.

”No way, Elna's mother loves hardcore tea because she had to go to the mountains to get the spring water for tea.”

”No, I guess it's quite a shaven. I want to eat on the spot and magically start a kitchen or a fire. Did you hear that? ”

”Magic is a useful thing to enrich your life, so I'm not wrong with using it at all.”

”... It's really like a parent and child.”

When I tell you clearly, Bartolo looks at her as if she was stunned somewhere.

I wanted a little more similar appearance than my personality.

”Well, that's why I'm going to the mountains. Would you like to come with a shaven?”

Hmmm, I don't care where the spring water that I usually drink is and how it tastes.

Climb the mountain in search of delicious water and eat lunch there.

It's like a picnic, it's a little nice.

I feel sad when I'm with my uncle, but when I take Elinora unnie, I can't relax.

”Yeah, I'm worried about the spring water, and I'm going too.”

”Oh, that was good. Hopefully it would be very helpful if the shaven carried the water psychic ...”

Bartolo asks while emphasizing the very part.

Well, the water is quite heavy. But if I were to carry it psychic, I wouldn't have any of those difficulties.

”Okay, that much”
