332 Violent Doll Viscount (1/2)

(4) After the introduction of self and the end of the uninterrupted chat, the owners deepen friendship. In particular, we will return to the room as soon as we can.

After returning to my room, I fall into the bed as if to take a break.

Shortly afterwards, loud footsteps and loud footsteps began to echo from below.

”Alfleet Oh! @ Alfleet's room is here!”

Viscount Dole who opens the door without knocking.

”Wow! What is it?”

When the big Viscount Dole enters the room, I wake up like a jump.

”Oh, please calm down, my husband! It's rude to be on your own without knocking!”

”I don't care about such a trivial matter! Come on, let me see the doll moving! I've always been patient!”

Tickle disguises the Viscount Dole, but his enthusiasm for the doll does not stop.

Oh, this guy wanted to see the doll move from the beginning. Perhaps he had been patient and was released because of this.

Mr. Nord and Ms. Elna surely noticed this and released Viscount Dole as soon as possible.

If you show them moving the doll, it will calm down.

”Okay. Let's show the dolls moving!”


While taking in the eyes of Viscount Dole, I hold Knight and Elizabeth on the table.

”It's the dolls I've given. And what's the name?”

The Viscount Doll who smiles and asks. It seems natural for him to give the doll a name.

Well, I had a name so that my attachment would spring out, so I wouldn't be bothered.

”It's simple, but I've named them Knight and Elizabeth.”

”Um, it's a simple but nice name. It's a perfect name for both.”

When he answered without hesitation, Viscount Dole nodded deeply.

I felt that the liking from Viscount Dole had risen.

”Well? Wait a minute. Is there an unnatural sewing mark on the neck of Knight?”

Listening to the words of Viscount Dole, my heart bounces.

The face and voice of Viscount Dole are very scary. After all, it is impossible to handle important dolls poorly.

Knight has been chopped by my sister. How peaceful would the world be if we could say that honestly? Depending on the answer, I could be chopped by Viscount Dole.

I have to be deceived somehow.

”Sorry, my neck was stressed while practicing knight exercises ...”

”... I see. Alfleet couldn't move the puppet dexterously from the beginning. It's unavoidable if the accident occurred during the practice of moving the puppet. It was said that this was just a prank. I was about to see the same eyes. Hahahahaha! ”

Hahahaha wasn't obliged to say that it was because of Elinora unnie or because of her mischief. This is an eternal secret.

”Now, let's move Knight and Elizabeth.”

When Knight and Elizabeth lay down on the carpet while sweating cold, I put on a magical psychic.

Then, when the magical powers were put together and operated, the two bodies rose up.

”Foooh !?”

”Hey !?”

Not only the Viscount Doll, but also the shouting of the surprise and excitement of Tickle.

Knight and Elizabeth rise without worrying about it and walk to the front of Viscount Dole.

Knight salutes like a knight, and Elizabeth gracefully grabs his skirt and bows gracefully.

Well, what about the response of Viscount Dole?

He asked about the status of Viscount Dole, and he cried.

”Now, the doll is moving! It's as if one life has lived ...!”

Was good. It seems to be pleased for the time being.

I think you're crying so much, but don't be scared if you suddenly cry.

”I'm glad you are pleased.”

”More and more! Show me the dolls moving!”

I let Knight and Elizabeth walk, as Viscount Dall asked me to move more.

Does not move properly, but moves according to each character and personality.

Wouldn't it be nice if cute Elizabeth wearing a skirt is walking with crab crotch? Even if it is a doll, it has a character as long as you move it, and I think that it has a proper movement. Until Viscount Doll arrived, I practiced and realized that.

”I'm not just moving in a dark cloud, but moving in a way that suits my personality. If it's a knight, I'm a serious knight with enthusiasm and movement with a sharp movement. Elizabeth is a daughter It is a chaste girlish gesture and you can see that it is sophisticated in any of the movements, which is easy to say simply moving a doll. It ’s a good job!

I'm kind of close, but I'm really happy to understand exactly what I'm doing. Elinora and her mother are cute, but they don't notice it at all.

”Can't I put the doll on my knees next time?”

”Of course you can!”