314 Tomato harvest (1/2)

”Ok, Al. I'm going to the next place!”

After eating cucumbers, Thor will call you like you are looking for what kind of vegetables to get next.

”Yeah? Did they not feed you tomatoes, water eggplants, and other summer vegetables?”

Isn't this different from what we were saying in the courtyard of the mansion?

I would like you to eat summer vegetables besides cucumbers ...

”Don't go. I'm going to a better place.”

”Yes Yes”

”... a more delicious place?”

”Follow me for now!”

Toll says so and starts moving with Asmo, so I follow her with her head tilted.

The place where Thor and Asmo headed is a place outside the village than the previous field.

There was a large field where a lot of vegetables such as tomatoes, corn, cabbage, peppers and pumpkins were grown.

Apparently, here they are mass producing vegetables.

”The tomatoes and corn here are particularly delicious. Do you want to harvest them immediately?”

”Huh? Wait a minute. Is this a different person's field?”

I who normally stops Thor and Asmo who enter the field.

Tall and Asmo said that they are growing vegetables in small increments. The fields here are not two people by any means.

”What do you say, Al. The villagers who live in the village of Koriat have not lived here for a long time, they are helping each other.”

”The villagers who have been having a hard time are like a family, so it's natural to share food because they are family.”

”I see, it's a culture that's unique to a village-I'm not convinced.

When I say that, Thor and Asmo cross their arms and think.

”... I see, if you are Al, who is noble, you can eat dignifiedly from the front.”

”As expected, I'm going to use my power to get it ...”

”I don't know what I'm misunderstanding, but I'm going to pay normally.”

I will get it if the villagers give me, but I will not push you here and ask you to give me away for free.


”Ah? Isn't it Alfleet-sama? What's up to this?”

There was a villager who was just harvesting in the tomato field, so when I asked him, he came over here to see if I noticed me.

”I heard that there are delicious tomatoes and water eggplants, so I want to sell them.”

”Oh, wasn't it! If it's okay, you can take it with you because you just harvested it.”

”Yeah! It's different with Al!”

”I'm usually stingy with bears.”

When the villagers, the bears, say they are free, Thor and Asmo scream.

The moment I saw it, I could see the expression of the bear was frustrated.

”But pay for Toll and Asmo.”

”That's it! It's fun!”

”Discrimination is not good”

”It's not a discrimination, it's a distinction. I'll help the harvest if I really want to eat it, then I'll split it a bit.”

”” Boooooo! ””

”If you have a complaint, go somewhere, shit!”

Thor and Asmo complain, but the bears slash their hands. Maybe a good child could get one or two without being told anything. This is probably due to Toll and Asmo's usual practice.

”Okay, let's help with the harvest and share here.”

”Hello, I can't do it.”

”So, let's get daddy harvest.”

”Huh? Alfleet doesn't have to work like these guys ...”

”No, I'll help because I want to harvest.”

Since it was said that getting free for a while ago was not so much, it's a pity that I only get free here.

And I haven't had much harvesting of vegetables, so I just want to do it purely. I'm doing a home garden in the courtyard of the mansion, but it seems that the harvest is still far away.

”Well, if Alfleet is good”

So it's time to harvest tomatoes.

I, Thor and Asmo are taken by a bear and enter the tomato field.

Then the brown bear crouches and shows the red tomatoes that are growing below.

”Choose ones that are completely red to the edge of the group, or those that have the group bent upwards. These are the harvest season. Please look at it. ''