158 Last day to play (1/2)

Walking while biting lunch. We were finally back at the shrine.

Of course, I don't climb on my own feet. The rock we used this morning was pulled down from the top by psychic, and we climbed up in the same way.

”It's amazing! Al! It feels good to float in the air!”

As soon as I arrive at the top, the spring behind me raises my joy.

”Isn't it appealing that you don't have to walk on the most difficult roads?”

”No, I just like the sky view ...”

”I'm just fine now, so I think it's hard to climb these stairs in a few years.”

”Al says he's younger than me, but he doesn't say anything like a grandfather.”

I tell you to tell me, but in the spring, I'm wondering if I haven't reached the border yet.

Well, you don't have to know now. In the spring, if you master psychic and master this technique, you will be able to understand it. I believe so.

”Hah, huh, are you finally done? Is it okay to get off already?

”Because it is already on the ground, you can safely descend”

She says to Kaede who is asking while breathing, Kaede descends on the ground with a serious expression.

And don't mind if your clothes get dirty.

It's like a sailor who has completed a long voyage and has arrived on land for the first time in a long time.

”I thought I would die! It's best to have the ground!”

If anything happened, I was brave enough to find that Spring was dangerous, but Kaede was the most afraid.

In this world, you can rarely experience such a floating experience. An adult with a certain level of common sense would have had a great fear.

”Oh! Al, have you returned?”

Looking at Kaede hugging the ground, Rumba and Shuichi came.

”How about? Did you get rid of the villain in the city?”

Eliminating the villain is probably the old man's pretend we were doing.

”The city was peaceful, only the thugs like Irvine and Malt came out.”

”Gahahahaha! Then, have you defeated them!”

Rumba hears the name he has heard and laughs with his stomach.

I went to the villain eagerly with eagerness, but there was no help for it because I came out of a thug that could be called a relative.

”But it was fun to go around the city together.”



I talked to Rumba for a while, and pointed to Shuichi whether he was worried about spring.

”Shuichi is tattered!”

Perumba is only sweating a little, but Shuichi is irritated with sweat and sand.

It was probably rolled to Rumba many times during the training. If they were bad, they might have been blown away.

”It looks like Rumba has been tough.”

”Oh, I don't really do this in my regular practice. ”

Shuichi answers with a radiant expression even though it is tattered.

It seems that you are still thinking positively.

Isn't he happy with Elinora unnie? If I had one of these brothers or brothers at home, I and I could have lived a more peaceful life.

”Shuichi is the son of a shogun, and if he gets tattered in a lesson, he can help with other lessons.”

”Oh? Is Shuichi the son of a shogun?”

”... Why does Al know that?”

Rumba hears my words and is surprised, and Shuichi turns his eyes to doubt.

”... Ah, spring showed himself the seal of the shogun's house, so he said.”

”Ah! Al already! You don't have to be honest!”

I'm told to protest from spring, probably because I've inadvertently said something to sell spring.

And then, Shuichi looks at such a spring with a gut.

”... hey, spring”

”Okay, Kaede-san was angry a lot, isn't it good anymore?”

”That's right! Kaede was also angry!”

From the guilt of selling spring, I implicitly follow spring.

Then, sighing whether Shuichi decided to endure here,

”... Well, I don't say anything now, but when I return home, my father and mother are preaching?”

”Ugh, I don't want to go back to my castle.”

Because I'm a girl in spring, shouldn't I say ”Uge”?

But I understand that I do not want to go home enough to say so. When I did something to Elinora unnie, it was like a spring.

”If Spring had said, I can't help it. Let's call Rumba and Al again. Thank you for giving me. ''

Oh, is Kagra in the last name? Is it the eldest son and is Shuichi the next general?

I feel like I have become a friend with a ridiculous person.

”I'm Kagura Shunka! I'm the eldest daughter of a shogun family!

Because it is a little different from the name I heard, I and Rumba tilt my head unintentionally.

”Yeah? Spring is nickname and your real name is Haruka?”

”That's right! But all close people call it spring, and Al and Rumba still call it spring!”

”I see, spring.”

”Ok, spring”

When I and Rumba raised their thumbs, they laughed happily in the spring.