131 Kagra Tourism (1/2)
After we have finished breakfast at the inn, we immediately go on a sightseeing trip to the city.
Members are me, Rumba, Irvine, Malt, Aleucia, Ilya.
Petry cannot sell the luggage loaded on the ship or accompany him because of business negotiations.
I wondered if someone would have to take you to an escort, but today's business talk seems to be done in a harbor, and there seems to be no need for strong sailors, including Douglas, and swordsmen.
Cagra people are often calm and seem to have good security, so there is no danger in prominent places.
Well, if you were a former knight Gunter and a member of the Shokai who had a violent pillow fight last night, most opponents will be able to get rid of it without problems. I think they have an obsession or power beyond the merchants.
That's why members of the silver breeze can enjoy sightseeing slowly today.
”Well, do you enjoy Kagura today!”
When you leave the inn with Zorozoro, Irvine grows in the sunlight.
”I have a job as an escort from tomorrow. You should enjoy it while you are free to explore.
Tomorrow's firm will move around the city of Kagra from tomorrow, so the members of the Silver Wind will have to escort. Perhaps it is only today that you can move around freely all day.
”Thanks to Triela for making the time for everyone to go around.”
”Yes, I'll give you a souvenir if you have something interesting.”
As Ilya says, this may be the kindness of Tory. Despite the strength of sailors and members of the Shokai, it's not surprising that hired adventurers are allowed to play.
I don't know if you think of the members of the silver wind or you care about me, but I'm glad.
If the members of the silver wind disappear, two women will disappear.
In other words, rumba and sightseeing together. That's not bad, but I want to go live on the first day.
As we walked from the calm ryokan area to the central port town, the bustle grew quickly. Kimonos that represent Japanese culture-people wearing Kagura clothes move around the main street.
There are a variety of things, such as loose Jinbei, clothes that are fastened tightly with a obi, and pale or sober shades.
This scene with many people wearing Kagura clothes seems to be watching even a scene from a historical drama or drama.
Unlike yesterday, we are not in the middle of the road, so we stop and slowly watch the sight of Kagura.
”Oh! I thought yesterday, but everyone wears Kagura clothes.”
”It sounds like it's easy to move!”
When I inadvertently exclaimed, Rumba pointed to the man passing by.
The man was wearing dark blue, vertical lined Jinbei clothing. Looks like short sleeves and shorts make it easy to move.
It looks like Rumba wears that kind of thing.
”Would you like to drop in at a clothing store and wear Kagura clothes later?”
”Good! I also want to wear Kagura clothes.”
”It has a different beauty from the inn kimono. If you like it, you should buy it.”
Ilia and Aleucia react strongly to my casual words.
It seems that the two women are very interested in Kagura clothes.
Alesha is particularly interested in Kagura clothes. Looking at the smile, it seems that it is decided to buy Kagura clothes in Aleucia.
Suddenly, I like it because my chest makes me deceive.
”... Yeah, Kagura's clothes make my breasts fool you. I'll definitely buy Aleucia.”
”I guess. I've decided to buy it to deceive my heart.”
”Do you want to be beaten again?”
Aleucia holds his fist with a blue line on his forehead, as he heard the voices of Irvine and Malt murmuring.
””It's nothing!””
I wonder if last night's body blow was scary. I have to say if I apologize. If you just think in my mind like me-
”Are you asking Mr. Alfried not to be too rude?”
Aleusia comes with a black smile.
”Is your voice leaking?”
”... Alfleet says, we've said it.”
I'm surprised and Irvine says that.
Speaking of which, after saying what I thought in my mind, I feel that Irvine was hitting with ”yes”.
Recently, there was no one to watch out for, such as Elinora and Elna. I'm scared to talk back home.
We fully looked at the boulevard and first went to change money on hand.
Because kingdom coins cannot be used in this country.
Less coins in the kingdom are like five-yen coins with round holes.
Some rectangular pieces like silver from the Edo period cost 100 yen for copper coins. In the same form, a silver thing costs 1,000 yen for a silver coin. And an oval like an oval seems to be equivalent to a 10,000 yen gold coin.
By the way, the equivalent of large gold coins is the size of a larger oval, and those that hit platinum or black gold coins are thicker and emit white gloss or black gloss.
I don't know if it's easy to use in foreign countries or if you can get it well in mines, but maybe every country uses basically the same ore.
This time, Elna's mother has given me a message that she can freely use one piece of platinum coins, but I do not think she will use it as much as she can, so she will spend less than gold coins.
Isn't 100,000 yen enough?
I think so, I will exchange money separately for small coins, copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins so that it is easy to use.
At $ 100,000, it's hard to imagine if a magic tool comes out. This should be enough.
Don't forget to exchange a lot of money and store it with space magic to avoid dropping it.
”That's a nobleman at the age of spending that much money ...”
I look at this with Irvine's regretful expression, who is changing money next to her.
Is n’t that good? This is the noble's financial power.
Isn't it amazing that you can carry 100,000 yen from 7 years old? Because it is rarely possible to carry such a forehead in the past life. I was carrying a lot of receipts.
We exchanged for Kagura's coins, we immediately walk on the main street.
The main road is very wide, so there is no problem even if four carriages are lined up.
There are many fish shops in the shops lined on both ends of the road, probably because they are close to the port.
They were attracting customers who were shopping vigorously from the morning, probably from the sea around Kagura.
I was surprised at the kind of fish different from esport, and while walking through the shops one after another, the fragrant scent unique to soy sauce came out.
”... this scent”
”Soy sauce!”
Making a look at Rumba and heading to the place with his nose screaming.
Then we arrived at a store that had the same seasonings as yesterday.
”Oh yesterday. Come on.”