119 Ryokan no Yu (1/2)
”Why do you teach your true age !? If I say five years old, I might have taken a woman bath!”
”I'm sorry! Only Alfleet-sama makes you feel good!”
”Because we forsake us on the way!”
I ended up taking a male bath because of the two men who were driven by ugly jealousy. At the age of seven, it is impossible to take a female bath as an innocent child. What a tough world ...
In front of my eyes, the filthy guys take off their clothes one after another and throw them into a wicker basket.
It wasn't fun to see such a scene forever, so I silently took off my clothes and threw it in my basket.
Perumba, Irvine and Malt were armed and wondered if it would take a long time.
Perumba knew he had a lot of muscle in his home and in his usual style, but he was surprised that Irvine and Malt also had lean muscle for their appearance.
After all, does the adventurer whose body is the basics have to work hard?
In comparison, Tory, a pure merchant, has no muscles at all.
”I don't know if you're a woman, get a little more muscle?”
”No, are you still training on your own?-But they don't have enough muscles.”
Perumba slaps on Tory's back, but the slim body of Tory appears to have had a strong impact, and her back has a red handprint.
Well, there are people who do not have much muscle even if they train. Although he should have practiced very hard with Silvio, he has no muscles at all. I guess the tree has a similar constitution.
Then we hold the towel provided by the employee in one hand.
No one will do anything imposing, such as hiding his crotch.
… What is it? Is it because he took off his first armor, called clothes? My body is filled with a sense of liberty and I feel refreshed. I feel like I can do anything now.
Whether everyone else had the same sensation of excitement, his expression was somewhat confident.
Inhale deeply and exhale slowly.
”Okay, let's go!”
”” ”Oh!”
We were naked and somehow bravely raised our voice and opened the sliding door.
What was waiting ahead was the steam that filled the sight.
The steam rushes under us who opened the sliding door, and the air with moisture and a little heat comes in.
Then the cool air flowed as if we were taking the heat around us and on the skin.
The paradise covered by the steam appeared.
The first thing you'll notice is the large bathtub in the center of the bathhouse. There, he continues to exhale white steam.
The structure of the ceiling is very high and gives us a sense of freedom.
Are some stones being processed and laid on the floor? There was also a touch of good touch while being a little rough.
”... Oh, it's wide.”
The rumba standing next to you overflows with words.
Irvine and Malt also had their mouths half open. I don't think it was so wide.
Only simple words come out, but when I first entered, I thought it was wider than I had imagined.
On the other hand, Tory, who seems to have been here, was looking at us laughing at his skill.
Irvine tried to rush out at first sight, but his tree was grabbed by a tree nearby.
”Don't you? Don't you look at the dressing room sign? Would you like to wash your body first before entering the bathtub or the hot water would get dirty”
”... Hey”
Is it convinced by Petry's words, Irvine responds quickly.
Well, I understand that feeling very much. If you have a good bathtub in front of you, you'll want to jump in.
If the hot water gets dirty, you have to obey it.
That's why we walk zorozoro to the washroom equipped with magic tools at the end of the bath.
Petri, Rumba, and me, and malt and Irvine on the back.
Immediately put a bath chair in your right place.
Then, a good sound of Kakhon resounded in the bathhouse.
”Some sounds are good”
Rumba sits normally, but puts a chair so that he or she likes the sound.
Again, the sound of Kakhon echoed back.
Then Rumba is happy and smiles happily and sits down.
I imitated it and mixed the sounds of Irvine, Malt and Tree.
Something peaceful.
While listening to the comfortable sound in your ear, look up to the sky and think so.
I love this kind of peaceful time.
However, if you are too naked and bowed, your body may get cold and catch a cold. I'm going to do hot water immediately.
In front of me was a round vat, a faucet, a mirror, and a magical tool like a shower to use when shed. Unfortunately, it is not a small hole and it is like a hose, but if you can supply a sufficient amount of hot water, there is no problem.
Probably if you turn this round guy to the red side, it will come out.
”Yeah? What's this?”
Rumba with a suspicious look twists the handle in front of her while holding the hose.
The hose was facing me, and the direction Rumba twisted the handle was light blue.
Detecting the danger of my body, I immediately turn the hose backwards with a magical psychic.
And water was rushed out of the rumba hose.
”Wow, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, my back is cold!”
Cold water is sprayed strongly on the back of the malt, probably because it was twisted vigorously.
”Wow !? It's cold! Rumba-san is cold !?”
It was not enough to just hit the malt's back directly with cold water, and a small amount of water was also applied to Irvine.
”Hmmm, oh, bad. Was this water? Waha!”
Rumba finally grasps the situation and turns the handle with a laugh.
”It hurts a bit !? The momentum of the water is getting stronger !?”
But it seemed to be the opposite way, with more water flowing on the back of the malt.
”... Rumba, turning is the opposite.”