49 Goodbye, part 1 (1/2)

The kings power Redfalcon30 56920K 2022-07-21


Previously on the Kings Power:

*”How is she, doctor?”

”It's not going well. Yuna is in a very bad condition. Her burn marks are severe, but there is something that we found on her skin. I know it may seem hard for you, but there is still a chance that she'll survive.”

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”Survive what?” Snow asked softly.

”The coma.” The doctor said looking Snow directly in her eyes.*


*What happend?” Fay asked immediately when she saw the state Thea was in. Her head snapped up when she heard Fay's voice.”Yuna... Yuna had a setback.”*


*She looked at herself in mirror. Her face was still red from the blush, and her hair was messed up. She put on her nightgown and tried to make her hair presentable. Then she thought, why do I want to make myself pretty for him, he is just a friend. When she thought back to Nate, her heart began to beat faster and her breathing picked up. Her palms also began to sweat a little. No way, she thought, I can't be feeling something for him, I mean everyone warns me about him.*


*Their lips crushed together, and Snow threw her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss, she felt his hand go to her waist.

Nate and Snow pulled away, looking into each others eyes, Snow can't believe what just happened, she and Nate just kissed.

”Wow,” Snow said, her arms still around his neck.

Nate laughed, ”I've been waiting a long time to do this.”

Snow smiled, ”Oh believe me, I know.”*


*”Those flowers on your dresser, I lied, I did send them.”

Snow's eyes widened, ”What? You send them?”

Nate looked away, while a blush appeared on his face, ”yeah, I mean, and I'm glad to know you like it though.”

”Why didn't you just tell me?”

”I don't know, I guess I didn't want you know that there are different sides of me. I always show people the one side, and that is the only side they get to see, but with you, it makes me want to show you all my sides, the good and the bad.”*



Snow woke up with an arm around her waist. She turned around to face Nate and saw that he was still asleep, so she carefully lifted Nate's arm and sat up. She looked back at Nate. He looks so peaceful, Snow thought, I wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning. Wait what am I saying? Just last week, I was head over heels for Noctis, and now I'm developing feelings for Nate? Is it possible to like two guys at the same time? Snow shook her head and sighed, she then crept out of the room and walked down the hall. Snow felt really refreshed. She didn't feel so exhausted like yesterday. Snow suddenly got an idea, she stopped walking, and held out her palm. She concentrated and then suddenly a bright flame appeared. She could feel the power running through her, it was a warm tingling sensation that stretched throughout her whole body. The flame started out small but then the it grew until it was the size of her hand. A smile appeared on her face and she watched the flame in awe. I will never get use this, Snow thought, then she made the flame dissapear. I wonder what else I can do, she thought. Then she lifted her hands and concentrated again until a red glow surrounded her hands. She looked around and saw a few vases with flowers in them standing on the floor. She lowered one of her hands and directed the other one in the vases direction. Snow then concentrated on the vases, and it was not long when she saw the same red glow appear around the vases and then they began to lift off the ground, floating mid-air.

”Cool,” she whisppered. She made the vases float toward her and then back again. She made them float higher then lower, before she put them on the ground. The glow around the vases and her hands disapeared. Snow lifted her hands, and thought, I have to see what else I can do, but first I gotta get food, because I'm starving. She made her way down to the kitchen, and what she found truly shocked her.

Everyone was there, except for Yuna, of course, but the thing is everyone looked like a bus had hit them, except for Noctis. He looked like his usual self, wearing a light black shirt and trousers, with shoes that looked comfortable to run in, he's right leg's trousers were a bit shorter than the left side, he wore dark blue gloves on his left hand that only covered his hand, not his fingers. He's shirt was longer on the left side than the right, but without his usual light jacket without the sleeves. He looked almost like the first time they met, when he came to her and proposed that they train together, but he didn't look like his normal self, none of them did. Cinthea was sitting at the kitchen table, and it looks like she's been crying. Actually it looks like all of my friends has been crying. Their eyes were bloodshot and they were staring into nothingness. When Snow stepped into the kitchen Thea and Fay's heads snapped up, eyes wide with shock, before Thea ran and to Snow, hugging her. Snow knew something terrible happend, because of Fay's behaviour, she is the youngest of them all. Cinthea stood up abruptly pushing her stool back, glaring daggers at Snow.

”What's going on?” Snow asked, with a look of confusion on her face.

Fay's face was buried in Snow's shoulder, while sobbing, but looked up when Cinthea spoke.

”What's going on?-” Cinthea's voice began to raise, ”That's all you have to say? Where were you last night? Some of us were worried sick you know, but it doesn't seem like you care, because you keep disapearing!”

”Cinthea, calm down, Snow is a grown woman, she can come and go as she pleases,” Fay intervened.

”Not if her friends need her, Fay!” Cinthea turned her icy glare toward her.

”Can someone please tell me what's going on?” Snow asked loudly enough to draw Cinthea's accusing gaze from Fay back to her.

”It's Yuna. You know the set back she had yesterday, it was worse than we thought.” Thea explained.

”Worse how?” Snow asked, trying to look everyone in the eye, but none would meet her gaze.

”Worse, as in...-” Thea's voice began to break, before leveling her gaze with Snow, ”she didn't make it, I'm so sorry Snow.”

Snow could feel the colour draining from her face, her eyes wide with shock. She could feel the tears, beggining to slide down her face.

”No. No, it isn't true, you are lying to me!”

”Snow, I know this is hard for you. You and Yuna were very close, but we would never lie to you about this.” Thea said, walking toward her, engulfing her in a hug.

Snow numbly hugged her back. When they broke apart, Cinthea still stood there, eyes cast to the ground, fists clenched.

”When did you guys get the news?”

”Earlier this morning. The doctors were working to keep her alive all night, until it was to late.” Cinthea answered, ”I'm going to my room, it was a long night and I'm really tired.”

Cinthea brushed past them, not meeting anyone's gaze.

”She really is mad at me,” Snow said, walking toward the kitchen table and sitting in the stool where Cinthea sat.

”No, I think she is just hurt and disapointed.” Noctis said for the first time.

”Noctis is correct, we have all suffered a great loss, losing one of our best friends is a terrible tragedy.” Fay explained.

Snow only nodded. It all felt so unreal. My best friend is dead because I couldn't protect her. I was so caught up with being in love, I didn't take my training seriously, so I didn't get stronger, and that resulted me losing my best friend. Snow thought back to that day.

The day of the tragedy:

*Snow looked back and forth between Yuna and the monster, but when she was certain he was still alive she wanted to warn Yuna. Before she could do that Snow saw how he lifted his hand and aimed it at Yuna.