Chapter 2 (1/2)
Translator: La0o9 Editor: La0o9
In the wilderness, quite a few animal corpses had appeared around the vicinity of a rotting dead human body, turning this place into a sort of small graveyard.
If you had some sort of ‘spiritual eye’ ability, you’d be able to see a mosaic-like mass wandering aimlessly around this area. The mass could faintly be seen to be humanoid, with tiny white mist flowing and being absorbed from the corpses around, turning it more solid.
Caw, caw, caw!
A flock of black crows flew in from afar, apparently attracted to the carrion below as they began to peck the corpses.
The faint humanoid mass stopped wandering and stared closely at these crows. His still-chaotic thoughts understood that after a while more, these creatures would also die, and then he would be able to absorb more white mist.
The faint humanoid mass instinctively knew that the white mist was very crucial, so he silently waited for these life forms to die.
Unsurprisingly, not too long after pecking and consuming the rotten flesh, the crows suddenly cawed painfully and collapsed.
But even after waiting for a while, the humanoid mass couldn’t sense any white mist coming out from the crows’ bodies, instead, he felt a sort of connection forming with them as the crows once again stood back up and continued to peck at the carrion.
The faint humanoid figure was now a lot more solid, slowly manifesting Wang Yuan’s original appearance, while his consciousness also became a lot clearer.
For example, he remembered that his name was Wang Yuan; why he was here; what sort of state he was in; and was even capable of thinking normally.
“My current state, by common sense, should be that of a ghost” Wang Yuan easily accepted the fact that he had died and turned into a ghost. Because even though he could remember a lot of things, he had also lost a lot of other things, it wasn’t simply just his ‘life’ that he lost.
For example, his current self could calmly watch these crows peck and eat his own dead body without any normal physical or psychological reactions like feeling nauseous or irritated. If it was his normal self before his death, he would have ran away at the sight of so many rotting dead bodies.
His consciousness was currently connected to a total of 13 other faint consciousnesses, constantly transmitting a sort of ‘cool’ aura to him, it was thanks to these cool auras that Wang Yuan woke up in the first place.
These 13 faint consciousnesses were the 13 crows that were currently pecking at his corpse. Their feathers were starting to fall out while a black fluff was slowly growing back, even their bodies seemed to have grown larger.
The germs that killed Wang Yuan didn’t kill these crows, instead, it caused them to mutate and also connected their consciousness to Wang Yuan for some reason.
Through their connection, Wang Yuan could send his thoughts to these crows, but only the simplest of thoughts. For example, ‘fly to that rock’. A complex command like ‘dance’ wouldn’t do anything, as these crows didn’t understand the concept of dancing.