25 True Hero is a Pervert, prison is a yes for you~ (1/2)
Poker face? Check.
Fake username? Check.
Acting skills? Check.
A burning hungry spirit for justified revenge? Uhhh…...check?
I can't say that this revenge is justified, but I do feel the rage at losing my money!
My money is my life, you don't touch it unless you want to die.
Or suffer some other way of course.
Alright, I'm fired up.
”Scuse me, I'm doing a quest so would you mind helping me out for a second~?” I politely asked True Hero with my best smile. ”I've been stuck on this one part for quite some time...”
All five players in the party froze and stared at me after hearing my request come out of the blue.
I have a feeling that Lyssia is staring at me for a different reason than the guys though.
”O-of course! I will accept your request and use up my precious time, be grateful!” True Hero pridefully replied while puffing out his chest. ”You can ask me for anything, I'm the leader of a guild that rivals Gemstone!”
”Ohhhh! You're really amazing sir, all I need is to lead five people to a guard. He's the person that gave me the hidden quest! Will you come with me?”
Fall for it, come on, I have my best puppy face on right now!
Right when he was about to agree, Tyrant stepped in with a suspicious look on his face.
”Boss, I don't think we can trust this stranger. Something smells really fishy right now. I suggest that we leave.”
”H-huh, oh, if you say so Tyrant….she smells pretty good to me…..”
No way!? Stop ruining all my plans you busy body, just leave your instincts in reality or something!
Cough, I'm purposely ignoring that creepily perverted mutter, it might break my act.
But now I want to send him to prison in real life too.
”Wait, I believe we may benefit from following her.” The only female in the party cut in. ”She said she has a hidden quest right? They're very hard to come across if we help her then she will need to pay us fairly as well. There's no way a simple solo player can stand against our guild.”
Yes, you tell them Lyssia! Big brain!
”Lyssia, I knew that it was a good decision to let you join us! I'll give you a raise for bringing up good points.” True Hero laughed while patting Lyssia on the back with a relieved expression.
”Thank you very much. But I have to warn you that there is still a chance she will do something unexpected, please don't hold it against me if she does.”
”No no, of course, I won't.”
Lyssia, you're saving yourself huh. I was about to give you stuff as thanks but maybe I'll keep them and sell em instead.
But at least she got them to follow me. Their guild leader is easily swayed, how is this pervert fitting to be a guild leader?
I'll call him Pervert in my head from now on.
”Well then, if you got that all figured out then please follow me! It's not that far away from here.”
The party of five cheerfully followed me as I led them skillfully through the town.
I've already memorized the entire city, it's not like there's a possibility of getting lost. But just in case, I've decided to lead them to the place I'm most familiar with.
The training grounds! Yup, it's time to go meet master! This way even if Tyrant does something, my master can help me out. He's been wanting to meet the guy that killed me after all.
What a nice mentor, huh.
”Where are you taking us, miss?” Tyrant asked with peered eyes as he surveyed our surroundings. ”We seem to be headed towards the training grounds?”
Smart son of a gun. Go die.
”Yup! The guy that gave me this quest is waiting there, all I have to do is bring five people to him!”
”So…..what type of quest is this exactly? Care to share the information with us?”
”Sure! So apparently he's looking for someone good enough to be his disciple, I ran across him by chance while looking around town. He's giving me all these weird assignments, and if I do them then I get really nice rewards!”
See, I'm not lying at all, just twisting the truth a bit.
Not finding traces of lying on my face, Tyrant turned away with a disinterested tone.
”Oh, I guess I shouldn't have expected much.”
Nice, he bought it too! Things are going so smoothly, it's getting me scared.
But that doesn't matter, I see my master!
”He's right there!” I exclaimed while enthusiastically pointing in Abest's direction.
Following my gaze, all five members of the party zoomed in on my master's back.
”W-wait a second…..” The only ranger in the party stuttered. ”Isn't that guy the only Marshal in this city?! Marshal Abest, one of the highest leveled NPCs, also one of the most respected people in Zircon. You're telling me that you're trying to become his disciple?!”
…...Master…...your reputation exceeds you. I'm so proud.
”Yeah! He's a pretty nice guy once you get to know him!”
Oh? The entire party is silent all of a sudden, how curious.
---M-master, how come I've never heard that you were the Marshal's disciple….?
---Hm? You never asked, did I forget to tell you?
---Will you stop calling me master, makes me sound like an old guy living in the mountains.
---But you are living in the mountains, right?
---If I can't call you master, I'll just call you by your first name. Yuri.
---Oh, sure, everyone does that without my permission at school anyways.
---.....So sorry.
---Eh? You're forgiven.
---By the way, are you a masochist?
---That came out of nowhere.
---But you like getting bullied right…..? You can easily stop them after all.
---Uhhhh…..well that's beca—
”S-so you're this important guy's disciple, right? Introduce us, and get him to support my guild. I'll give you a gold coin if you do!” Pervert demanded after getting caught up on how significant my master was. ”I will even allow you to join my guild, you should be honored!”
.....o-ohhh...? But I'm playing solo.....? I even promised the readers....
”What are you still standing around for? I told you to do it so go!”
This guy is trying to piss me off right?
Right, ~?
So that means it's fine now that my revenge is justified, hm?
”Sure, I can do that much as thanks for your help. Let's go over.”
”T-that's right, you should be filled with gratitude towards me! I'll even let you become my girlfriend, you should be jumping for this chance!”
What? Why should I be jumping for a chance to become the girlfriend of a stupid perverted guild leader who lives at the bottom of a well?
”Terribly sorry, I'm afraid I already have a boyfriend.”