16 Soldier of Zircon (1/2)

”Nnngh!?” I gasped in pain while clutching my wrist, having fallen to the tatami floor too hard.

”Ah!? Sis, you okay?” Toku said while worriedly looking at my pained face, inspecting my hurt wrist.

”Y-yeah, it's no big deal. I guess I just lost my balance at the end there and fell awkwardly.” I wryly chuckled. ”I'll go get some ice to put on it.”

Ignoring my younger brother's protests, I carefully picked myself up and left the dojo. Heading back towards the house.

Toku was currently helping me train my reflexes and hand-to-hand combat. It was going pretty well until I miscalculated, and a wound that I had got during school caused me to lose my balance.

Hopefully, he doesn't get suspicious.

But man, getting beat up by your own sibling who's two years younger than you really does hurt your pride...even if that sibling has won multiple tournaments.

Still hurts.

I'm pretty sure all the big siblings out there understand what I mean as well.

My ego has been wounded~

I need to heal my soul in Sapphire. Yup, let's go find the overseers and then get some PK points!

Oh, I should restock my arrows and consumables as well. I guess I'll drop by the auction house once again.

Maybe I should just make a storage room and fill it up so that I don't need to go through the trouble every time…..but that's a thought for later!

Taking a quick shower and then changing out of my training clothes, I immediately hopped into my capsule and logged into the game.

I had plenty of return scrolls, so I used one without hesitation and appeared back on the town teleport pad.

Alright! Let's go find this Overseer.

Heading towards the building that my mentor had directed to, I walked up to the pair of guards who were standing at the front gate.

”Hey hey hey, look! There's another newbie trying to see the Overseer.” Mocked a swordsman who was watching nearby.

Motioning for his buddies to follow him, he sauntered towards me in an arrogant manner.

”I can help you get in you know!” He declared while disgustingly eyeing my appearance. ”But in exchange, I will need you to do me a little favor…”

Ugh…..I just have the luck to meet the worst type of person today. Obviously, he must have some sort of quest that lets him inside the gates, but I'm sure that it only works once.