38 God Of Destruction Beerus Arrives! (1/1)

Now that it was age 379 Broly began the last stages of his planet escape plan, giving Jewel specific instructions on building a swarm of wireless microscopic spy cameras which he told her to secretly spread throughout the Saiyan city, planting themselves in key locations, especially inside all the walls inside and out of the Saiyan castle and all around King Vegeta's throne room.

These were preparations for the arrival of that eccentric fickle bastard god of destruction Lord Beerus who's arrival should be anytime soon. Although he could easily watch the throne room using his Ki Sense he was terrified of being detected by Lord Beerus for he would surely be able to detect him spying with his strong Ki Sense and provoke his curiosity.

Furthermore if he even layed a single eye on him he would easily be able to see his true power level despite him controlling his Ki emanations to a low level for Beerus Ki Sense was insanely sharp, especially since he used Godly Ki instead of normal mortal Ki.

While he may take a positive interest in him, with his unique indecisive temperament he might also instantly destroy him with a single finger in the blink of an eye. No after thinking about it for almost a year he had decide it would be much better to avoid such a unpredictable situation altogether, postponing their meeting for the distant future when he had reach a level to talk as equals and not as a bug.

Still he needed to know when he visited to estimate how long until the planets demise which is why he turned to technology to avoid suspicion and detection. Under his instruction Jewel had programmed the micro spy cameras to remain active at all times and to begin recording once they detected a target with a power level above a certain set limit, then to scan if it originated from a unknown alien species.

If it did it was to continue recording the target and transmit all video data to a hidden server on the other side of the city far from the area were Broly's incubator was, another measure he had insisted on to add a additional layer of protection. With these preset parameters he felt confident Lord Beerus would easily be discovered and even if when he visited he did detect the spy cameras at the very least he would ignore them as something unimportant while at the utmost he would simply destroy them all simultaneously with a casual thought. Either way he would have achieved his goal of discovering Lord Beerus's visit and gain additional time to prepare knowing that under his orders Frieze would soon begin the planets destruction and the next stage of Broly's planet escape plan would soon be under way.

Several weeks later, just as he had predicted Lord Beerus arrived on Planet Vegeta and although his visit was a brief one it did in fact decide the fate of the planet. Of course Broly did not discover his visit until the day after when Jewel accessed the cameras logs and discovered a series of video's uploaded to the system. It seemed fortune had favored Broly once again and Lord Beerus had ignored the spy cameras existence enabling him to actually study the appearance of universe sevens god of destruction and witness his visitation in full.

Just like he had seen before with Grandmaster Long, the video started outside the castle with the sudden appearance of two unique looking individuals appearing on the edge of the city's market. The first figure was obviously Lord Beerus who is a purple anthropomorphic cat with golden yellow eyes and large pointed ears.

His form appeared hairless and while overall he was defined in build, he was still very much thin and bony. He appeared to be of a similar height to the future adult Son Goku, being only a head shorter, but his long pointed cat ears atop his head making him appear taller than he actually was. He donned black, blue, and gold Egyptian-looking attire with the same white and orange diamond decorations as all gods of destruction wear.

The second figure is the usual companion you find with every god of destruction, their angelic attendant. Lord Beerus's eternal angelic attendant whose name is Whis appearance was that of a tall, thin humanoid with pale blue skin, tall vertically combed white hair, violet eyes, and rather effeminate features.

He held in his right hand a long blue staff capped in gold with a Saturn shaped dark gem with a vertical ring that floats above it, while around his neck he wore a large light blue ring. His attire consisted of a maroon robe, a black cuirass with the same white and orange diamond decorations as Lord Beerus, and a blue sash. He also wore black high-heeled shoes with white spats.

Despite the whimsical bemused expression on his face Broly could see a look of dissatisfaction with the way Lord Beerus suddenly discarded his noble godly appearance by stretching before beginning to walk like a common bowlegged gangster out to make his daily collections, both of his hands stuck in his pockets as he sauntered into town. But like all angelic attendants, although he may not approve of all of his deity's behavior he is still fully bound to the service of his deity and usually does not leave him unaccompanied.

Still after spending roughly twenty minutes searching the market for any new delicious foods and failing they both disappeared then reappeared in the Saiyan castle in King Vegeta's throne room. A look of shock and absolute terror appeared on King Vegeta's face as he dismissed his councilors with a fearful yelp and a wave of his hand as he hastily leapt of his throne and collapsed to his knee's bowing his head submissively as he stutteringly spoke a loquacious greeting. Standing upright like a pillar, his left hand behind his back Lord Beerus waved his right hand dismissively a few times vaguely acknowledging King Vegeta's greeting than ask if he had completed the mission he had asked him to complete for that item.

Tentatively raising his head King Vegeta rose to his feet and clasped his hands rubbing them together as a merchants smile appeared on his bearded face as he nodded yes, informing him his men were bringing it as he spoke and were only a few hours away from the planet before politely asking Lord Beerus to let him host a banquet for him while he waited for them to arrive with the item in question.

As a diehard foodie's Lord Beerus as well as his angelic attendant Whis easily agreed to King Vegeta's ingratiating proposal causing him to quickly order all the best cooks in the castle to begin cooking a feast of the finest Saiyan foods planet Vegeta had to offer.

Soon steaming dish after dish began to emerge from the castle's kitchen and were quickly placed on the long dining table which Lord Beerus was sitting at yet although delicious they were not anything special and Lord Beerus soon lost interest in eating them.

Fortunately the feast bought King Vegeta the time he needed and by the time Lord Beerus lost interest with the banquet King Vegeta's men radioed him that they were landing at this moment on the private landing pad behind the castle.

Quickly King Vegeta informed Lord Beerus his men had arrived and he was leaving right now to go retrieve the item and would be back soon. Nodding acceptingly he ordered him to hurry up saying he had grown bored with this unsavory Saiyan food and then suddenly his finger flickered with a light as a small purple energy ball appeared on it with several translucent light rings revolving around it as he said with his face growing dark that if he didn't hurry he would destroy him and his boring uninteresting planet.

Still anxiously smiling, a thick sheen of sweat covering his back King Vegeta's begged him to wait just a little longer before racing off towards the landing pad behind the castle at his top speed leaving only a blur in his wake.