16 Identity Acceptance (1/1)
As the nurse brought him to the incubator she started to talk to him with a smile on her face, as she informed him about how lucky he was to be able to use the latest incubator which apparently were exclusive to only Saiyan infants who had elite-class potential.
The latest incubators apparently could improved a Saiyans infants power level growth rate as well as their physique improving bone density, blood purity, musculature definition of the body, and basic knowledge enabling a newborn Saiyan infant to emerge several years later with a powerful body couple with resilient Ki and basic combat knowledge.
This wondrous miracle of technology was made possible by a wide array of sensors coupled with an arrays of supercomputers which would continuously monitor the infants vitals to precisely control the concentration of the nutrient solution, which was the green fluid which filled the incubator.
The nutrient solution was a significant discovery made by the Saiyan on Planet Vegeta which was originally called Planet Plant during the decade long Tuffle-Saiyan war. Other than its remarkable healing properties it had powerful enhancing effect on all aspects of the growth of Saiyan infants especially their power level allowing a Saiyan infant to emerge with a power level of at least 300.
It was this historic discovery which led to the creation of the Saiyan infant incubator which all Saiyans now used to raise their children in their initial years until they reach the age of three were they would either begin training as a warrior, engineer, or be sent off-world as and infiltration infant.
As he listened to the nurse list all the key aspect of the latest Incubator he suddenly heard something that made him somewhat anxious about entering the incubator. Apparently he would have to breath the nutrient solution which was designed to be easily inhaled.
However seeing all the other Saiyan infants nearby which looked perfectly fine he gritted his teeth as he roused his will to dispel his doubts. Pressing several keys on the incubators control panel the top of the chamber smoothly opened revealing the gently bubbling nutrient solution within.
With practiced skill the nurse slowly lowered him into the solution which was actually lukewarm. As the nutrient solution reached his shoulder she suddenly thrusted him into the greenish solution feet first causing him to suddenly plummet with a gentle splash into the azure depths of the incubator.
Moving swiftly she quickly pressed a button on the control panel causing the hatch to swiftly close with a hiss as it sealed. Despite the expected fearful struggle from a suddenly lack of oxygen the nurse's eyes blinked in disbelief as he slowly floated inside the chamber with arms crossed.
Flashing her a flirtatious wink he suddenly opened his mouth and resolutely inhaled deeply causing several gallons of nutrient solution to flood his lungs. Tensing his muscles he resisted the urge to struggle as he forced himself to breath in and out.
After taking several deep breaths he became accustomed to the strange sensation of breathing a liquid which was heavier than air. Seeing the look of shock on the nurses face his eyes briefly glowed, exude a strangely hypnotic force he then flashed her a winsome grin before dominantly dismissing her with a single wave of his hand.
Surprisingly the nurse respectfully bowed towards him before immediately departing the room. It wasn't until several minutes later after she had departed that she suddenly paused as she realized the oddness of what had just happened and wondered why she had felt so compelled to follow the young Saiyan infants silent command. Shaking her head in dismay she made a mental note of the peculiar infant before continuing to walk on.
This bout of compulsion had of course been his doing using a combination of body language and ocular hypnosis to subtlety influence the subconscious of the nurse to obey him briefly. He had done this because firstly he wanted to be on his own but mainly he was somewhat miffed over the nurse suddenly dropping him like that into the incubation tank since he was sure it had been one of the instructions of his ”father” Paragus.
Of course this slight manipulation would cause no lasting damage and was in truth a simple prank played by a newborn child who bore no ill will towards the young nurse, merely a brief spat of childish displeasure.
But enough about this, it was time for him to consider more important things and he would first start with his identity, for what was a person without and identity. Even now he still could not recall his name from his past life and had started to feel this was intentionally done by whatever force had allowed him to be reborn, as though forcing him to accept a new one to foster a stronger integration into his new life.
While he abhorred the fact that someone held such control over his existence, he could also understand and was in truth grateful for being given a second chance at life realizing this was probably for the best.
Having acknowledge this he thought for a moment, considering several different names before deciding it was best that he stick with the one his body currently had for he felt it was a rather good name for the dragon ball universe and also because for a few years as a kid he had secretly wished his parents had named him this name instead of his former name.
So from this moment on there was no original nor new and improved, there was only him, Broly, The Legendary Super Saiyan and he fully intended to live up to that title, for just like in his last life he was sure that his exploits in this one would also be legendary.