4 Career Choice (1/1)
Out of curiosity about this strange phenomenon I consulted with Grandmaster Long who said it was a common side-effect experience by every user of our schools secret breathing technique [Dragon Breath] which caused them to have the highest purity of positive or Yang Ki humanely possible. Unlike the average person I had an overwhelming amount of Ki not only greater than ten healthy people combined but also exceedingly purer.
Because of this excess of uncontaminated positive life energy I was constantly shrouded in a beguilingly charismatic aura while subtlety exuding a strong sensation of overwhelming goodness tinged with a inescapable magnetic allure people, especially those of the opposite sex found exceedingly addictive for it was in essence the aura of a peerless alpha male.
So basically women felt not only energized but intense pleasure in my presence, as their bodies were filled with an instinctive yet inescapable and unexplainable desire to mate with the ultimate alpha male before them, which resulted in a woman having almost endless micro orgasms from my gaze alone.
No wonder they were so obsessed with me, to these barely legal girls filled with raging hormones I was the human equivalent of extra strength catnip. However this strange side-effect would only greatly affect those with an average Ki, as for those who had trained their Ki but had less than me they would be able to resist it with some difficulty while those with at least twice as much Ki would be immune.
This also explained why Grandmaster Long lived in seclusion, rarely dealing with the opposite sex. Probably the only reason they hadn't tried to jump me yet was because I usually used Ki control to suppress my Ki reducing my power level to around 15 which was the lowest I could currently go.
This also made me realize that if I released all of my Ki I'd probably cause them to all faint from a overdose of pleasure, or at the very least collapse on the ground as waves of pleasure ceaselessly wracked their young nubile bodies.
Realizing the inevitability of my situation I decided to handle the problem head on and called the four most influential and beautiful girls on campus who had made little secret of the affections they held towards me to discuss the situation. After growing tired of several hours of heated discussion I was forced to implement a compromise which would mostly satisfy all party's present.
I would just date them all at the same time and they would just have to accept it. They would all be my girlfriends, simultaneously engaging in all the typical romantic activates that regular dating couples engaged in, this way no one would be left out. Even romantic nightly activities would be had together.
Fortunately I had a really big bed in my apartment and an ungodly amount of stamina, which coupled with my transcendent technique and breathtakingly enormous equipment lead to countless long nights of passionately entangled limbs, sweat slick skin and nearly endless earsplitting girlish cries of wondrous world-shatteringly euphoric ecstasy.
Time continued on and another seven years passed before I was finally ready to graduate. After years of industrious behavior it was time for me to reap the fruits of my labor, namely ten doctorates, yes ten. At first I had planned on getting only one but once I started college I discovered several parallel fields of study that greatly interested me. Bio Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Material Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and several others. This was also a side effect from training as a Martial Artist.
Having a robust and pure Ki enhances every aspect of a humans body especially their nervous system and cognitive abilities. Due to assiduously training since I was 6 I had not only eidetic memory but powerful computational abilities that could rival most high-end supercomputers.
At this moment at the age of 25 I graduated from MIT with honors and an impeccable academic record having achieved astonishing accomplishments for a person of my age. As a side note my four girlfriend who had remained with me since freshman year now lived with me and had insisted on holding off on their own graduation claiming they wanted to graduate with me.
Now that I had graduated it was time to finally start my career. With my academic records and degrees I had hundreds of offers from all around the world, each offering incredible employment incentives however all along I never intended to take a office job for I was at heart a Martial Artist. I hadn't spent 19 years diligently training just so I could stay indoors, HELL NO!
The hot-blood of a Martial Artist that ceaselessly flowed throughout my body cried out for battle. However in this modern day with the global superpowers at peace with each other it was difficult to find a battlefield, indeed quite difficult, but not impossible. I decided to seek the wisdom of another who had proven throughout my life his astute sagaciousness, Grandmaster Long.
Consulting with Grandmaster Long about my career choice once again proved the correct decision, and revealed a secret about my family I had carelessly failed to discover. Apparently Grandmaster Long and my grandfather were not only best friends but also business partners in a joint business venture, having founded the illustrious Dragon Corporation, a top class international private security firm that specialized in protecting high profile targets as well as performing rescue and retrieval missions.
It seemed that both my parents worked in the corporate sector of the company, handling the red tape and meeting with potential clients. Although I had always known my parents both worked at the same company dealing with important people, the actual details of their jobs and the companies specialization had eluded me since I had spent the majority of my youth training and studying for school with a few brief interludes in-between.
However what truly interested me about this company was the mainstream fieldwork side of the company. Despite sounding monotonous, being a bodyguard for an internationally high profile target has a surprisingly high death rate, for you would be surprised by the depths people would go to eliminate a single person.
Rescue and Retrieval was even deadlier and required and even greater level of skill. A single misstep could turn a cakewalk mission into at the very least, a complete failure or at the very worst, a nightmarish deathtrap with zero chance of survival.