42 Episode 42: The Third Transfer (1/2)

A few days ago.

Sukku Kingdom/Wangdu.


in the separate residence of a certain lord.

There are shadows that observe the splendid mansion from behind. Multiple.

”Lord Franca hasn't returned yet?

”It should be about time.... No wait”

At the end of their gaze, a reinforced carriage approached from the street.

When he stops in front of the mansion, a formidable man descends from inside with his servant. The clothes you are wearing are noble things, but your standing is like an unskilled soldier.

The shadow you are observing is reputable.

”You don't look fifty with that. It feels like a nice middle”

”You mean a lot of people get fooled.”


”Meaning as I said...... Mmm, this smell...... Get down.”


The carriage was finally engulfed in fire.

My servant was blown away and stopped moving, but the nobleman known as Franca was magnificently passive and as if intact.

”Right now, you?

”That's not true.... Coming, Assassin.”

”Wow, as you can tell.”

Multiple black shadows scattered in the smoke - assassins approaching Lord Franca.

It was an assassination of a nobleman who went to Wang Du.

This is not uncommon, but the sight that follows is somewhat invisible to you.

Lord Franca pulled out a one-handed straight sword, also visible for liturgical purposes, which he was raising on his hips,

”- [Battle moves] Strong Strike” Attack ””

He gave back three assassins in one swing.

He then cuts down his enemies with swordsmanship, and finally retreats them.


Still breathing Assassin's hands and feet, slitting his clothes and making sure he had no trick to blow himself up, he grabbed the root and lifted it up and went straight into the mansion.

Whoever sees it is going to torture you after this, you will think.

Another shadow from the shadows seemed to think so, too.

”... awesome”

”I didn't know it was intact. Not only are you a great nobleman, but you are also a first-rate warrior...”

”I can't steal from you, that's why.”

”I know. Me, too.”

”Those Assassins aren't one of us, are they?


”I wonder why you don't attack your sleep? Is it also a chivalry spirit? Even though it's Assassin.”

”There's a powerful bond in the mansion. I can't help you if you go inside. They gave up yesterday.”

”Uh, with Soyuko”

”Look, I can pick up your voice”

Shadows on ears with magic items like seashells.

I can hear a man from there. That's Lord Frank's. I'm grinning.

”... I don't have the money to pay the unsuccessful”

The shadows who hear it and snort.

”The purpose has been achieved. Let's get back out.”

”So the goal was to make sure we couldn't steal it. Rikai. I'm sorry, but I can't do that.”

Another voice,