76 Jade 3 (1/2)

Minutely, he came next to me and started talking with his face facing towards the jaws.

”My name appears to be on the conversation a lot, but I'm not very happy to have a conversation that I don't understand in front of me. If you want to talk about me, I'll talk to you directly now. I want you to stop hitting my wife hard. What do you want me to do?

Lecter said it wasn't sparkly, but he blew up a strange prince Smile.

The jade turned to Lecter as if he had forgotten about me.

”Ah... I'm sorry I misled you like that. Actually, I was telling her. I think we should stop lying to the Virgin. The truth is, the true Virgin is me. That's why I can see her lies... But she... telling me the truth makes me look terrible... and I feel a little embarrassed. But I really don't want to say anything bad about Lecter's wife, but I think Lecter has a right to know the truth...!

Poor, weak ”Virgin” was there.

I heard the maids breathing in the corner of the room.

Yeah, I know how that feels, and I've never heard that before!

While I was surprised, Lecter was gently talking to the jaws.

”I understand your story. But I also intend to see people. Anis is not such a person. I'm sure you've been misled. Aren't you tired of living here unfamiliar? Actually, I talked to Oliglow today, so I decided to return you to Oliglow. I think it's best to return to my fiancée, Prince Loire, and slowly heal your tiredness.”

I was heartily pleased with Lecter's words.

But the jade that heard it suddenly,

”Loire! Oh, no, don't give it back! He's... he's scared... he's gonna hit me and make me listen! That's why I ran away! I thought I'd finally escaped, but I don't want to go back to that hell again! Please put it here. I'll do anything!

That's how I cried for Lecter. I wonder what it was like to slightly put my body between me and Lecter.

Yeah, but you're gonna hit me? The prince?

Of course, I feel that the memory of the game was high in pride, but at least there was no such violence in the game... is it natural? That's a game, isn't it?

”But this was decided between countries, so we can't change it. Prince Loire and you are still formal fiancées, so we recommend that you and your Oliglow associates resolve these issues.”

Lectol calmly releases the body while smiling. Gentleman only. Well, there was something like this in Oliglow's jade private room...

I'm sure he's used to this kind of handling because there's been a lot of such things before, I don't know. I kept my thoughts to myself.

”Oh no....! Loire doesn't really want to marry me anymore. Loire made it clear to me that she intended to be my wife for the” Virgin who was deceived and taken away by Farglow. ”Not only you, but the Loire is now completely deceived... So even if I go to Oliglow now, I could be killed as a mere obstacle. Please, leave me here!

Hmm....? I can't believe they're going to kill me...

The maids also said, ”What a pity for Jame-sama!” I'm upset.

But Lecter was calm.

”You say that Prince Loire has no intention of doing so, but the announcement of the dissolution of your engagement has not been officially made so far. At least we don't have that information. That is why, as a nation, we still cannot officially protect you as the fiancée of Prince Oliglow. Oliglow has requested your return and Farglow has already conditionally accepted it. Farglow pulled a lot of concessions from Oliglow instead of returning you. And you know I can't say I'm not going to give it back here, right? I can't move anymore. If we do something different here, it may be that the truce will resume again. You, the Virgin, wouldn't want that, would you? They want your return as soon as possible. As a Farglow, I will respect that intention as much as possible. We will send you safely and responsibly to the border.”