13 Episode 13- Lost Girl (1/2)

Empocalyse GeekyCryBaby 72180K 2022-07-21

The wind blows heavily. The night is cold. Carrie and Finn sit next to a fire.

”It's so cold” Carrie shivers a little.

”If you want, you can have my jacket” Finn smiles.

”No. Thank you though.” She lays down. ”I wonder how the others are” She stares at the sky.

”They are fin. I'm pretty sure.” He stares at the sky too.

”Yeah..” She turns on her side, facing him. ”So tell me about yourself.”

He looks at her. ”Whats to know?”

”Well...” She sits up a little. ”What was your child hood like?”

He clears his throat. ”Well, it was normal..” He sighs. ”For the first couple of years. Than something bad happened.” he pulls his knees to his chest.

She looks at him worried. ”Well mine was okay. First my mother died when she gave birth to me...and after that my life was okay up until now..” She put her hand on his. ”It's going to be..” She smiles at him.

He smiled back. ”Thanks.” he lays down. ”I'm going to get some sleep. Night”

”Oh...night..” She watched the sky as she laid back. She soon fell asleep.

As her dream was long but short. She wakes up hearing gun shots going off. It was daytime now. She sits up as she sees Finn shooting at something. ”Finn?” Everything was dizzy for her.

”Carrie!” He sees her up. He runs to her and picks her up like nothing. He puts her over his shoulder. He starts to run.

As they were running, Carrie, sees zombies running behind them.

”Shit!” Finn says as he comes to an opening. He sees a barn. He quickly runs to it.

When he enters the barn he throws Carrie onto some hay as he shuts the doors. After shutting he takes a deep breath.

”Finn what happened?” She asked as she stood. Her dizziness was gone now.

”When I woke up this morning I noticed neither one of us stayed up. So I freaked. I looked around an I saw some zombies very close to us. So I grabbed the gun and as I did I stupidly stepped on some sticks which broke and the zombies started to come at us. And so I started to shoot” He scratched his head nervous.

Carrie hugged him She isn't a huger but shes could tell he needed it. ”It's okay”

He hugged back. ”I was so worried.” he began to hug tighter.

”Listen..” she let go and looked at him. ”we need to find the others.” She grabs the gun. ”Lets go”

Finn watches her. He smiles. ”You remind me of my mom..”

She laughs. ”Yeah? How so?” She looks at him.

”Well...” He looks at the ground and grabs a broken floor board with nails in it. ”Because you always try to find a way out of things to help others.”

”Ah okay” She smiles at him. ”Lets go mama's boy!”

They both laugh.

”Ready?” He says holding the door.

She nods as she points the gun at the doors. ”Yeah!”

Finn quickly opens the doors and Carrie begins to fire. She shoots some zombies. Finn hits and bashes the others she misses.

”Ah..” She says as she finishes shooting the last one. ”That all?”

He looks outside. ”Yeah. Lets go”

They walk out and notice they are in a field. They walk about a mile before they see a building.

”That's weird..” Finn says looking at it.

”Yeah it is..” Carrie looks at the building as well.

The building was small. It had plants growing on the walls.

”Lets check it out.” Carrie says as she walks towards it.

Finn follows. ”Hopefully it's safe.”

They approach the building. They notice that it wasn't any building. It was a bunker. A military bunker.

”What's it doing all the way out here?” Finn asked as he looked around to see if he could find any clues.

Carrie didn't move. Her eyes were widen. She stared at the symbol above the building. It was a biohazard symbol on it. She quickly pulled out the shot and compared them. She was right. It was a match. ”Finn..”

He stopped. He turned to her. ”Hmm?”

She showed him the shot. ”Look at this. Its the same symbol. I think whatever kind of shot this is..” She looked at the building. ”Came from this place..”

Finn stared at the symbol on the shot and the building. ”Yeah...” He handed the shot back. ”Looks like we have some clues to figure out.” He begins to open the door.

Meanwhile, the others are on the opposite side of the woods.

Shawn sighs as they walk. He was carrying his daughter, Faith.

She looked up at him. ”Daddy, will momma come back?”

He frowns but hides it the best he can. ”Pumpkin, she will. I promise.” He puts on a fake smile.

She smiles back. ”Thanks daddy”

Ellis stared at his father. ”Yeah right....” He looks at the trees beside him as he puts his hands in his pockets.

Ella walks up beside him. ”Hi! Names Ella!” She smiles big at him, while she waves. ”We haven't met but I think we will be good friends” She blushes a little.

Ellis rolls his eyes. ”Whatever..” He begins to walk faster, leaving her behind.

She stands there sad. ”Oh..” She sighs as she looks at the ground.

Eva puts her arm around her. ”Sweety, boys are hard to get to.” She kisses her head. ”I know you want to talk to him, and he is being mean, but that's just because he isn't ready to open up. So don't feel defected just yet. He'll come around”

Ella smiles. ”Thanks mom”

Eva smiles back but looks over at her husband, Joe. He was up and standing but it was still hard for him to walk. She goes to him. ”Hey, honey”

He sighs. ”Hello my love” He almost falls but catches himself with a tree.

Eva helps him stand straight. ”You know...” She takes a deep breath. ”you still haven't told me how you got hurt”

Joe looks at her surprised. ”John didn't tell you?”

”No. He didn't. All I know is that he brought back a boy, who was one of the other captives.” She looks at him concerned.

Joe stops walking. ”What boy?” He looks at her.

”You know. The boy who was also a captive” She laughs a little. ”You okay?”

Joe punches the tree. ”That asshole!”

Everyone stops and turns to them.

”Everything okay?” Shawn asks, looking at them.

Joe shakes his head. ”No...” He looks at him. ”John lied to you all.”

Shawn sets his daughter down. ”What do you mean?”

Joe stands straight. ”He said the boy, who came with him, was another captive. But..” he bites his lip. ”there was no one else there...we were the only ones.”

Shawn's eyes widen. ”That can't be....” He clutches his fists. ”John wouldn't lie!”

Joe chuckles a little. ”Well, guess what? He did!”

Both men looked at each other angrily.

Miley nugged Matt. ”Go stop them”

Matt sigh. ”Fine..” He walked between them. ”Listen all this fighting isn't going to solve anything! We need to work together to figure out what the hell is going on”

Shawn took a deep breath. ”Fine” He picked Faith back up.

Joe looked at his wife. ”Understood.”

Matt turned to Miley. ”Happy?”

Miley shook her head. ”Men...”

Eva hugged her man. ”I know..”

Shawn stared at him. He sighed. ”Where are you?” He looked up at the sky. ”I miss you...”

”Hey dad! Isn't this mom's necklace?” Shawn's son, Derek, said bending down, next to a bush.

Shawn put his daughter back down. He went to his son. ”What is it?” He bent down too. Suddenly his eyes widen. ”No..”

There in his hands was his wife's necklace. He had given it to her when they first went out.

Shawn stood up. The necklace still in his hand. He held on to it tight.

”Dad?” Derek asked looking at his dad.

Shawn punched the tree in front of him.

”Okay...” Miley grabbed both of his kids. ”Stay here with me.”

Shawn put the necklace in his pocket. ”Everyone..” He turned to them. Tears ran down his face. ”I'm going to find my wife” He looked at Ellis. ”You are now the man. Take care of your siblings.”

Ellis stood there, looking at the trees beside him. He didn't answer his dad.

”Ellis!” Shawn went to him. ”Are you even listening?” He turned his son to face him but saw him crying. ”Ellis...”

”Mom..” Ellis pointed to the woods, where he was looking.

Shawn slowly looked over. He saw his wife.

She was standing there. Looking around. She fell over some rocks.

”June!” Shawn went to run to her, when Joe, stopped him. ”Let me go!”

”She isn't there.” Joe held him as best he could.

Shawn growled. ”She is! Look!” He pointed to his wife. ”She's alive!” He started to sob. ”She's there!”

Faith started to cry. ”Mommy!” She ran out of Miley's grip.

”NO!” Miley tried to grab her again.

Faith ran to her mother. ”Mommy!” She opened her arms. ”I missed you!” She hugged her mother. ”I love you!”

June looked down. She reached down to her.

Faith smiled. ”Mommy!” She hugged her tighter.

Shawn manged to get out of Joe's arms. He went to his daughter.

In one second, June bite Faith.

”NOOO!” Shawn ran at June.

She fell down.

Shawn grabbed his daughter. ”Faith..” He started to cry more.

Faith was screaming and crying in pain. ”Daddy! It hurts!”

June had bit her on the neck.