59 Successful steal (1/2)

The Inheritor Hoswin 27620K 2022-07-21

Though Boris was putting an act to deceive the crab the reality wasn't far from it, especially after expending all his reserves after a continuous battle was really exhausting so if he really fought for few more bouts he might have really crumbled down due to lack of energy.

Quinn kept an eye on Boris while dealing with his giant friend, Quinn didn't bother to relentless attack without giving a break. He just patiently waited; his only role was to hold back the carb till Kallis to steal the eggs.

The Giant Crab was wailing and screaming in agony along with utter confusion and bewilderment, it still couldn't figure the other for hiding. Its mobility was seriously impaired, if it had a smaller stature it could have put a decent fight despite crippling its legs.

Meanwhile, Kallis made his way to the eggs, the nest of a humongous beast was obviously a vast one. Fortunately, it was like a hollow ball with the eggs at the center surrounded by random wastes; Kallis didn't waste time directly dived to the eggs.

The nest hole had 7 eggs, which were heaped together in a somewhat small pit, the pit couldn't fit all the eggs. It was more like an ostrich egg, Kallis hastily just pulled all 7 eggs into the school ring quickly and quickly looked around for any sort of shiny objects.

But he couldn't find anything others than loads and loads of dry wastes, then he shook his head before retreated without looking back. Kallis swiftly reached the nest entrance where Lardo was seriously scrutinizing the area for any forms of threats.

The moment Kallis stepped out of the nest hole the fatty turned around with a face filled with anticipation; Kallis didn't play any tricks he happily nodded with a hearty smile and a thumbs up.

Lardo acknowledged and loosened up his vigilance; then without wasting any time, every second count in a battlefield. He turned around and followed the trails let by the battle.

Kallis was also worried about his friends but he had to take the eggs to their safe-house or else all their efforts might get wasted, so he hardened his heart before rushing to the lake.

When Kallis carried the eggs out the Giant Crab half-an-mile away screeched and cried while lifting its heavy body with great difficulty; you could see its legs quivering and shaking.

After all, supporting that Giant body with only 6 legs is itself a wonder, so it could only limp its way to the nest. Its eyes were filled with extreme panic and fear, the crab completely disregarded its gaping wounds.

The Crabs have a telepathic connection with their eggs, once the eggs are moved outside their nest holes they would get signals. So the moment Kallis took the eggs outside the nest the Giant Crab got alarmed signals; it went crazy.

An enraged parent rushing towards to safe its kid is something really terrifying; even the most peaceful animal would go to any extent or boundary to guard its children. It big stature came in handy, with few steps it managed to cover great distance despite wobbling all the way to its nest.

Quinn was already prepared, he expected something drastic to happen; because if luring out the snake works this easily then it wouldn't be a 5-star Quest.

So he didn't panic instead he took some time to steady his breath before launching attacking the 3rd leg to completely immobilize it. The Giant Crab was too focused on it baby eggs to notice its foe standing in a very close proximity preparing for a fatal strike.

Thus Quinn's attack succeeded fabulously, Boris was watching the entire battle like a movie. The moment it's the third leg was also crippled the Crab literally fell apart; its last endeavor was already something beyond its physical capability.