26 A mini tes (1/2)
Quinn was hesitant; though it was pure torture to be surrounded by numerous crybabies and crazy kids. Since he didn't want to stand out too much, Quinn could only helpless wait for a bright kid. While he was copying others he also mentally searching for solution. He recalled everything Fran said from the beginning to find clues.
Though he still couldn't find the solution he wasn't dispirited by the failure as he was just trying to find an answer to tend his boredom. He wasn't trying hard as he was sure the method would be childish and the true test is about team-work. While Quinn was pondering a small girl shouted.
”Everyone stop and hear me out.”
It was very immature and cute voice. Everyone was shocked and subconsciously stopped what they were doing. Seeing that everyone was looking at her the girl stood upright with her hands folded trying to pose like a warrior.
”I'm Tracy Pogher; we have been trying to activate the cloud for more than an hour, it still not working. So let's gather the already tested method and find new method through discussion.”
Though she tried act like a leader and a brave warrior it was very funny like a small kids trying to imitate cartoon characters. But Quinn felt relieved when a person stood up as he knew a single person's strength is always limited.
All the children accepted her proposal, as they were kids so their world was relatively pure and thus there was no fighting for being the leader. Afterwards everyone gathered around Tracy and told the methods they used.
Tracy's School Ring recorded all the data. The School Ring is similar to a PI without internet connection, it has such basic functions. After that all the similar method were grouped and the list of methods were created.
Then Tracy sent the list to everyone, the hunger gave them motivation thus they all worked hard. But they didn't blindly try out thing, many small groups were formed and they discussed before trying out.
Though there was no perfect co-ordination or team work it was still better than trying out randomly.
As for as Quinn he stopped thinking about the problem as he believed that they have already passes the test when Tracy gathered everyone. It will only be matter of time before the method was found.
Quinn realized that this was a test for 5-year-old kids and only they can solve. Quinn was too mature to solve such puzzles as he could never think like a 5-year-old kid.
Generally, people tend to overthink and do complex calculations when the actual answer is very simple. Just as Quinn predicted after having some reference and motivation a kid found a way to start the flying cloud.
The one who found the method was surprisingly Boris.
First you must place the School Ring on the Flying Cloud and then use your PI to order it to start. Actually many tried to place the School Ring on the cloud but no one thought of using PI.
PI is blocked in the school; its function is even lesser compared to School Ring so everyone ignored it. But Boris tried it out of curiosity and found the method. In a way it was just a random prediction or guess.
When Boris did these steps the flying cloud disintegrated and the School Ring fell down. Boris was shocked and started to shout in panic as he feared that he destroyed his flying cloud.
Then the flying cloud slowly surrounded his legs and went under it. The next moment Boris found himself standing the flying cloud, he could operate it by his thought.