22 Vice-Principal Albus (1/2)

The Inheritor Hoswin 28740K 2022-07-21

When the path leading to the shore ended the hover disk slowly descended and dropped the students. The shore was filled with fine sands it was like a beach and both the sides were covered with thick forest after the sandy shore.

It was a classic view in front there was a sea like lake either of the sides were filled towering trees. Though numerous students were gathered here it was not crowded and everyone was able to enjoy this gorgeous scenery.

After few minutes an old man in white robe suddenly appeared on the sky and attracted everyone's attention. He was very elegant and respectful, but he didn't look like a weak old man. Instead a very thin stream of aura leaked from him; the aura was very powerful and filled with vitality.

He was the stark contrast of double-faced Blake who like a monk in front of his mother but a really a perverted lazy old coot.

”Welcome to Natal Dawn School, it's a pleasure to have you here. I'm Albus one of the Vice-principals of Natal Dawn School. I'm the one in charge of this batch's introductory ceremony.

You will spend your next 15 years in this school and learn about cultivation with few other essential things. You are all actually blessed to study under the school, let me explain how good your luck really is?

All of you might be curious about the ban on the devices. Now let me tell the reason and conclude the introductory speech.

Millions of years ago it was Tech era, to put it simply anything and everything was technology. The people exploited the technology to the maximum extend everyone was crazy about technology.

In that era everyone ran behind technology and forgot their basis - the body, cultivation, and soul. As a result of constantly neglecting their cultivation and human body, the standard of cultivators fell and the body became week and vulnerable.

After that many efforts were taken but still there were no apparent improvements because technology had integrated in to the society, it's like a bad habit that has seeped into the society.

Other problem was that the deterioration was gradual and not an instant one, so it is impossible to suddenly recover it will take a long time to recover and flourish again. It was during this precarious time that a sudden discovery changed the entire trend of the universe.

It was found that a product made by a cultivator helps in cultivation, while the product made by machines didn't have such effect. This discovery is a common knowledge now but at that time it was an evolutionary finding and the very much needed break through.

After this the people who used spirit products got stronger when compared to others. Thus this also motivated others to give up on technology and correct their path. Through great efforts and struggles the negative effect was nullified.

Even then technology was not completely banned as the reason for such a disaster is ignorance of the people and not the technology itself. Moreover, it was very useful in many fields and technology had already penetrated to the society and became a vital part of the same.

Then more researches were conducted by the Natal Dawn School in the past years and found that relying on technology or overusing technology before the age of 15 is detrimental to children's growth, thus all schools ban use of devices.

You are going to study in the very same school whose discovery about the effect of technology on the children is the reason why the schools in the entire universe banned devices. So you should be proud to study in such a prestigious school.

Your school Ring is not a device that is made through technology; it is made by cultivators and is a spirit device. So you have to understand that what the school is doing is for your own good and accept this arrangement whole heartedly.