262 262 Little Rabbit Angel (1/2)
When Peripherals finished bathing and returned to the living room, the noon that had disappeared came back.
I have already put on my bedtime clothes and today I am wearing the pale pink walnut type pyjamas that I bought before.I didn't say it was the same on the perimeter, but although there was a cat kigurumi pajamas, I didn't think it would be worn at noon today, so I wore regular bedtime clothes on the perimeter.
Normally, the hair flowing on the back is loosely tied around the bottom of both ears, and the figure wearing the hood feels very adorable, such as the figure of off.
When I stayed in the past, I was dressed like a baby doll with a slightly more exposed negligee. It was a costume that deliberately shook my sense of reason around me, so I feel relieved this time.
”... it suits me. It's like noon.”
”What does that mean?”
”Such a small, fluffy, cute place is very similar to a lonely place....”
It's different from the actual rabbit ecology, but imaginatively it's small and soft and fluffy, and it's adorable and lonely, so it's actually quite lonely and perfect for midday.
I'm going to give you a compliment, but it looks like you were unhappy at noon.
Mu, I looked up at the circumference with my face, then looked at my wet hair and raised my eyebrows even further.
”I know what Zhou thinks of me, but more than that... why don't you try not to dry your hair when I'm here?”
Why don't you dry your hair with a hairdryer, and in the middle of the day when you pick up the hair around you and blame it on me, you will notice it, and I will smile slightly bitterly.
When I am away at noon, I try to dry my hair thoroughly.Only when I was at noon and my hands seemed to be empty, I occasionally used a towel to wipe my hair and had it dried at noon.
I know it's annoying, so it's a really subtle sweetness that happens every once in a while.It makes me happy to be touched at noon.
I thought it was childish, but I couldn't stop.
”I wanted to say it was because of my mind... but I did it on purpose.I wanted it to be noon. ”
”Already... that's fine, but it's fun.You want to be sweet to Zhou Kun. ”
It's complicated to be so visible, but I don't know if it's good enough for a smile at noon.
When I sat on the sofa while being urged to come, I looked at it in the middle of the day and said that I couldn't help but hide my joy, so I switched on the dryer while loosening my mouth.
I have a quiet dryer in the house, so there is a modest drive sound and a warmer wind than the hands in the middle of the day.
Because the moisture itself is taken with a coarse towel, it is enough to fly moisture to the finish, but in the middle of the day, while politely applying a warm breeze, ”I haven't missed proper care, okay” was murmuring while confirming the comfort of the hair.
Even though noon is for the person at noon, it would be better if the periphery was smooth when touching the skin, just as I take good care of it, I think the periphery would be happier when it touches noon, so I take good care of it.
Thanks to it, I was able to keep my hair smooth and smooth, making it harder to get caught when I dry my hair.
”... Zhou, the hair quality is good from the beginning.”
”Parents gave it away. It's soft and thin, so it's easy to get tangled up.”
”Isn't that nice because it's easy to get rusty?Maybe it was a haircare gift. ”
In the middle of the day, when I finished drying it, I took out the comb from nowhere and quickly conditioned my fluffy hair with air.
That gave me the usual hairstyle that I preferred at noon.Now that I have set it up in school life, I also like the old male style hairstyle, but this one seems to calm down better.
”If you're happy to be more rough, I'll have something better for you.”
”Hmm, I'm glad... it feels good to touch, and it's fun when I brush my hair.”
Well then, why don't you ask around the gate for recommendations?I'd be happy if noon would please me. ”