253 253 Angels awaiting (1/2)

By the time I got back from being instructed by my seniors at work, it was usually time for me to take a bath.

While riding in the elevator of one of the apartments at home, she exhaled a lot.

Even though I work about four hours, I'm probably tired because of unfamiliar environments and work. I haven't made a big mistake (or been tasked with a job that would have been a big mistake), but I'm still nervous about it for the first time.

Fortunately, the seniors who work with me thought there was a problem, but I think they are all good people, and they are kind to me even when I follow.

I don't think it's a very good place to work.

But those who are tired are tired.

When I left the elevator and walked in front of my house at a heavier pace than usual, I opened the door as usual - midday came from the back of the hallway leading to the living room.

In the middle of the day, a reassuring smile floats around, repeating the blinking in such a hurry.

”Welcome home, Zhou.”

”I'm glad you didn't have to run. Sorry to keep you waiting.”

Probably, but I've been waiting for you to come home.

I told her the time of her return, but maybe she was careful.

Since we started dating, it's only natural to be in this house at the earliest since noon is not the time to take a bath and sleep at the house around us. Suddenly being alone in that state will make you lonely.

”No, that's not true. I have a lot to do while Zhou is gone.”

”I didn't miss you so much.”

”... is that another story?”

If you smile at the noon of dyeing your cheeks slightly while distracting your eyes, the noon you notice will slightly fill your cheeks. Although it was an unsatisfactory look, there was something sweet about it.

She took off her shoes and went home in the middle of the day, turning to her face, without laughing.

When I went to the washroom to wash my hands, the light was on in the bathroom in the back.

Looking back at noon, it seemed that the mood had been restored and the noon was standing with a normal face.

”Would you prefer a bath or rice?

If I changed the dialog a little bit more, I could endure the looseness around my mouth in the middle of the day with words like welcoming a honeymoon.

She's probably unconscious, but she's cute again.

”I'm probably hungry at noon, and I think we should eat first.”

”Well then, dinner will be ready. Today, I worked hard on my first part-time job, and I made an award-winning egg roll.”

”I did it. What a reward.”

”Fufu, that's pretty cheap.”

”It's very delicious because I like it, and I think it's the finest because it has the added value of noon. Thank you for everything.”

It will not be cheap because it takes a lot of trouble at the time that you have made it on purpose. Just because you made it for the circumference is enough.

It is a very luxurious reward because it is very delicious on top of that.

I'm grateful that you make rice every day and that you take your preferences into account. Again, I think it's a really tough partner.

When I try to wash my hands and go to the living room thinking I have to pay for this dedication, the noon sticks to my back.

Even if you look back and confirm the face at noon, you can't see the face because it is stuck to the back of the circumference. All you know is that it is illuminated.

In the middle of the day, when you rub your forehead, you're hugging your belly tightly.

When I smiled with a little thought that it was good to have a muscle stretch, it seemed that I had smiled with my breathing and stomach shaking, and the noon slapped my stomach.

”... I appreciate your gratitude, but don't be surprised.”