197 197 Cultural Festivals and Customer Service Practices (1/2)
Under the progression of the trees, the crispness and preparations for the cultural festival proceed.
Sometimes cultural festivals have become accustomed to both the second year, and it would be significant that the men and women in the class are clearly selfish and united.
I am busy as I prepare for my daily class schedule, but it is unusual for me to be around it, but I was so full that I didn't feel busy.
”Hey, there's a mislabel on the flyer. I haven't printed it yet, so please rebuild it. Wrong school address on a boulder is out.”
”Don't you know the tablecloth? I heard you bought it, and it's nowhere!
”Because even if the cost is now set to less profitable, the amount will be this much...”
While feeling the hustle and bustle of the classmates performing the tasks entrusted to them, Zhou Tatsu was also under the guidance of his own customer service clerk.
”... Fujimiya, uh, come to”
”... to”
”It's tight. It's tight.”
Kaorika Kido, a woman in her class who works part-time at a coffee shop, is the instructor of customer service, but she has a bitter laugh around making and smiling.
As for Zhou, I don't have to laugh, but it doesn't seem to be enough from her.
”Mm-hmm. I'm fine with my usual smile. On the contrary, I'm not aware of it, or do I want to? More relaxation, relaxation.”
”Even if they say so. When I think about customer service, I really do.”
”Guests can think of me as a potato.”
”Yam Hey.”
”Zhou-kun seems better for eggs”
I add that midday, which was equally guided by customer service, makes me laugh and tease.
I guess I've been dealing with Zhou for almost a year and I know exactly what he likes about eggs. It doesn't just make me laugh at ingredients eggs, so it doesn't change in the end.
That's not the problem, I thought, but I wouldn't dare go in there and scratch my cheeks because midday seems like fun.
”Well, a lot of guys say that Zhou is better in nature than he can't make, and let's go in the direction of relaxing him somehow”
”Who says nature is good?”
”... a class girl? I think it felt like I was watching you with Vertebra.”
”I don't like what you're looking at.”
”Aren't you showing it off?
I couldn't help but return it because I was stunned by the ”you're unconscious” of something staring at the tree.
He smiles modestly as he dyes his cheeks slightly at midday. Her illuminated eyes stroke this one and tint her cheeks more than earlier, so apparently she may have felt conscious with her. I noticed it as a result of my midday personality, but it seems to be correct.
Other girls, starting with Kido, are nodding yeah.
”If Fujimiya was spending time with Mr. Vertebra, it would look good.”