192 192 Two Naturals (1/2)
It was not until a few minutes later that the sweet and spoiled midday returned to me and retreated from Zhou's knee.
It was adorable and smiling to watch as a circumference that I realized you were taking a bold stance yourself and turned bright red.
To be honest, even though she was spanning one foot rather than both, she was gradually embarrassing herself at a distance from her posture… I could afford to see midday panicking to the point of her circumference.
”... I was glad you stopped me”
”No, follow me. I couldn't stop him at midday because he was trying so hard to spoil me at midday.”
”At least say it anyway”
”Don't be impotent.”
Zhou was occasional for his circumference, and he was indulging in a midday hug, so there was nothing he could do. I can't say much to him.
Midday was subtly frowning around making strange faces, but he can't say it strongly because it was midday when he got on his feet in the first place. ”No more,” he spills small.
”… I like Zhou Kun, but I do something bold unintentionally. Make a stop.”
”You have to realize how bold you are when you say that.”
”... and you won't have a choice. You know I like Zhou-kun.”
”Yeah, well, yeah... when they say that's all they like me, I'm still ashamed”