99 99 Results of periodic examinations (1/2)
”Hey Zhou, aren't you too temperamental this time?
Looking at the ranking of the periodic examinations affixed to the hallway bulletin boards, the tree shrugs slightly.
Zhou tried to study and test after the study group. There was something simply so that I could be proud of myself, which was my first purpose... but above all, I was concentrating on getting that grin out of my head at midday, which is huge.
'... don't hesitate to waste it on me, so don't worry about it, will you?
Just remembering glossy whispered words makes me want to be bored.
The result of concentrating as much as possible on studying the lack of thought in those words and expressions - which would have led to this sixth place.
”No, I didn't think I'd make it this far.”
”Good luck. Were you confident?
”... so-so I guess. We need to be able to take this again and again.”
”Stoic Yamatsu...”
I don't want to be caught off guard and fall in the middle of the day because I could take it once. It doesn't make sense if we don't make sure that being at this top is constant.
Considering the upcoming college entrance exams, what a sarcasm to stop satisfied with this. It is not something that can be done with a burning blade, so I would like to focus on studying even in the sense of preparing for the future.
By the way, this time at midday, he is also singling out the top. Boulders are boulders, but because of our efforts from day to day, it's not something we can clean up with the word boulder.
”Fujimiya is sixth this time, isn't he?”
He smiles beautifully as the midday I came to see later noticed Zhou's name.
At midday in angelic mode, Zhou makes sure not to put the upset on the table and smiles lightly to show it.
Sometimes I feel gaze from the surroundings, so I don't have time to be shy of remembering the other day.
”Sounds like it. Good, good.”
”Hehe. You've been working hard. I've been studying my time off.”
”... oh”
”If you worked so hard, wouldn't you be able to reward yourself?
”Yeah, right.”
Remembering the existence of the reward, I wanted to be bored.
Speaking of which, I was promised a midday knee pillow ear scratch. I normally forgot because I was kicking things out of my head, but they said they would let me in within 10th place.
Of course, you can refuse... but can you kick the happiness of having a girl you like spoil?
”... Happy first place for those vertebrae too. Shouldn't the vertebrae reward you?
”Right. But it's not a good idea to spoil yourself too much.”