88 88 Hanging out when you get home (1/2)

”I'm sorry about something”

Zhou, who broke up with the gateway and often played at the game center before returning home, apologizes at midday when he sat on the couch and took a breath.

At midday when I was loosening and finishing my hair, my eyes were rounded properly to the words of the circumference.

”What's the sudden matter?”

”No... I found out by the gate.”

”That would be force majeure. Besides, I think it turned out to be O'Rei. Looks like you understood...”

If you say so, yes, but was it annoying that they pointed the suspicion at you that you were still dating?

Fortunately, did the gateway convince you or pull back relatively lightly? Although I did, the fact that you strongly denied it at midday still caught my chest.

”Besides, I wasn't out there thinking you'd never find out. I've been thinking about this, and I'm glad they did, Mr. Gateside.”

”Right. He really understood and cared for me by the gate. Really, good one.”

I'm glad I found out by the gate.

I'm prepared to be pursued later, but I might have been right to expose myself if I thought I'd be less guilty of keeping it hidden by the gate at school.

Though I think he even found out Zhou's thoughts about midday, he wouldn't have a problem if he hadn't passed it on to himself at midday.

Karaoke may make some tease, but the side of the gate and the trees are all around it, so they shouldn't make a terrible tease.

”... Zhou Kun is quite highly regarded by Mr. Gateside, isn't he?”

”Hmm? Oh, sort of. I got more opportunities to talk, and I knew he was a good one and I could snort. You look great in your face and in your contents.”

”You trust me.”

”Right. I think it's a good one.”

Zhou is conscious, but he's the type to choose someone to hang out with for the price.

I'm not going to come near you unless my personality is preferred, and I won't allow you to approach me. I really have a habit of being alert to others, but by the gate, that sensor didn't work.

I wasn't in such a hurry to find out this way because I somehow felt instinctively that it was a good one, and I was right.

”Well, then, class means to call friends.”

”I don't know where I am...”