39 39 The Awakening and Shame of the Angel (1/2)

When Zhou woke up in the morning, he didn't make a living noise.

To the extent that birds can be heard from the outside, there is no sign of waking up at midday sleeping in the surrounding room.

It's already past sunrise time at times, but are you tired or asleep for the rest of yesterday?

By the way, Zhou said that although he slept once, he didn't sleep inside when he was thinking about having midday in his bed, and eventually he woke up at this time with his sleep still shallow.

Well, I hope it's not physically hard, but it's hard in a different way.

Stand up slowly as you stretch to relax your hardened body because you slept on the couch.

In the meantime, I'm going to see how it goes at midday. and the main purpose is to go get dressed, but then we are also going to see how it goes at midday.

Softly, open the door to your room.

It's quiet inside and still stays in bed at midday.

Speaking of things differently, did you hit the back of your head a few times? You're lying on your side, and your hair is spreading like a river on the bed.

Khu, ku, and what a lovely sleeping midday, crouching and watching.

Really, it's terrible when you're asleep.

I usually have a lot of cool expressions about being distracted...... sleeping faces are still adorable with loose looks. Somehow, it's so adorable that you want to stroke it.

(... she's so cute when she's asleep)

Of course she must be a beautiful girl and she's adorable even when she's awake, but this one is close to the emotion she feels when she sees a plaything animal.

I want to stroke this Sarasa hair around, and I want to follow her cheeks that are fuzzy. As long as I'm usually solid and have no gaps, this is how I want to feel defenseless.

Unexpectedly, reach for the soft cheeks and touch them.

Smooth cheeks convey a similar softness to yesterday's at your fingertips. I feel like I've been wanting to touch you for a long time, and Zhou also hooks up to me with his finger belly.

Though I care about soft touch, I still touched the softness to be comfortable and cute, and from midday when I was quietly asleep, I leaked a sweet voice that plundered ”Nhhhh...”

Then, shortly after I let go of my hand, my closed eyes open slowly.

Focused, wet, caramel-colored eyes look at the circumference… correctly in the circumference direction.

The puffy expression has a residue of a young sleeping face and is highly unaffordable. Instead, he looked younger now for a decent amount of eyes, like he was conscious but flattered.

At midday, when alarmed, alertness exposed a distinct expression, then lowered his brow butt and closed his eyes again.

If you try to pull the touched finger in, rub it in your finger, and squirt your cheek, squeaking your throat fine to sweeten it. Don't go, such a cheek rub, as they say.

I knew I was definitely falling asleep.

There's no reason why midday is so sweet around me, and I don't have this loose look or trick at midday usually.

Still - I was tricked like a sweet kitten, and the heart and reason around me had been tested since the morning.

Should I be able to pull my hand in or should I stroke my cheeks carefree and adorable?

As for mood, I'm pretty much stopping by the latter.

I rarely see such a loose midday, and I'm interested in how sweet it will be.

But at a moment when my midday consciousness was clear if I moved to execution, I felt that midday would stop me from holding my mouth. I know I'm embarrassed and bored, so I don't know what to do.

In the meantime, I kept it to observe midday when I was falling asleep because it was cute.

Apparently the consciousness is mostly surfacing, but I'm still cheeky on my fingers to see if my head is awake or not aware of it with my circumferential hands.

Zhou felt the heat gathering on her cheeks due to the indescribable itching, for some reason she was just going to get dressed to see how things were going.