Chapter 225 - C2 recording 11 (1/2)
location A1 wasteroom
A1: you stay here while I contact the main apartment.
[door slams closed]
C3: [hushed] what.... what are we going to do.
C2: [Hushed] This wasn't in the plan...
C3: no shit it wasn't in the plan! I didn't think that the A-level got this bad!
C2: They don't need to report things to the lower levels so... It was a possibility...
C3: well then what are we going to do! Do you think he's infected?
C2: ...I don't think there is a chance that he /isn't/.
C3: well what do we do! We're stuck in a fucking wasteroom-he fucking killed B-
C6: shut up!
C3: s...sorry 6. But you get where i'm coming from... And he said that he's gonna go contact the main apartment now. What will happen to us? What's going to happen? Are we... We going to be killed? Oh fuck what if the apartment comes? shit shit what if the admi-
C2: C3 get a hold of yourself.
[heavy breathing as C2 sighs]
C2: I... I don't know. I don't know what'll happen to us-there is no protocol to go with this. But all i know is that i need to convince A1 or whoever is out there to let us leave. For the sake of us and our data surviving. We need to get out of here.
C4: 3... 3? There's red...
C3: Hm..? Shit... where did this blood?
C6: Give me your fucking-
[more shuffling]
[sounds of fabric ripping]
C3: thanks 6... Are. Are you okay?
C2: C6?
[no response]
[door opens]
A1: you get in here.
C2: A1 I-
[sound of gun cocking]
A1: NOW.