36 Bitter memories (1/2)

Selina Johnson | Apartment | 16:45

Jerry agreed to help me with my poorly constructed plot of a mystery. I was so very happy to clear my mind with him, the smile he gave before leaving was enough for me to understand that he had forgiven me. But as much as I was excited about having him with me, there was no way I could keep him or basically anyone all the time to play the role of my sidekick. That much I have learned by then.

-I heard that you were also a cop. What's up with that?- My roommate, whatever you may call him finally awakened after a long power nap. I had been going back and forth with my way around him for a while.

-It was a disguise. The place had to be studied for the break in. Traffic duties don't require much big of a resume,- Shen answered in a straight voice.

-Oh; need anything else?

-...,- There was no reply from him. The door to the balcony was open. I noticed his eyes were set on the sky. The bright and vibrant look of that sky felt like an enchanting spell to me for some reason which was trying to make me believe in this somewhat of a new version of me.

-...,- I also replied by leaving the sofa in silence and moving towards the balcony to fill my hunger of the beautiful sight which lady nature had put up.




I was tired. It was more of a matter of mental exhaustion rather than physical. As a result I stretched my hands over my head under the setting sun.